Doctrine and Covenants Stories IntroductionAbout the Doctrine and CovenantsThe Lord speaks again. 1805–1817Joseph Smith’s FamilyA family of faith 1817–1820Joseph Smith’s First VisionAn answer to a humble prayer 1823The Angel Moroni Visits Joseph SmithLearning about a sacred book 1825–1828Joseph and EmmaWorking together to bring the world the Book of Mormon 1828–1829Martin Harris Helps JosephLearning to trust the Lord 1828–1829The Lord Sends Oliver CowderyLearning how God speaks to us 1829Angels Restore the PriesthoodPower to do God’s work March–September 1829Witnesses See the Book of Mormon PlatesBearing testimony to the world April 1830The Church of Jesus Christ Is OrganizedA joyful Church meeting July 1830A Revelation for EmmaChosen by the Lord to do His work September 1830Hiram Page and RevelationThe Saints learn how God guides His Church 1830–1832Samuel Smith Shares the Book of MormonOne book blesses many lives August–September 1830Parley and Thankful PrattFaith to follow the Spirit October 1830–January 1831A Mission to Native AmericansThe Delaware Indians hear the gospel October–November 1830Sidney and Phebe RigdonChanging their lives to accept the gospel November 1830Lucy Morley and Her FamilyMany believe and are baptized December 1830–May 1831Gathering to OhioLucy Smith’s faith and a miracle October 1830–February 1831Newel and Ann Whitney Meet the Prophet JosephPrayers of faith answered by the Lord December 1830–August 1831The Knights and Others Gather to ZionObeying the Lord’s call February 1832Joseph and Sidney Learn about HeavenA vision about God’s blessings for His children February 1832Joseph and Sidney Are AttackedAngry people try to stop the work of God’s prophet February 1833The Word of WisdomThe Lord’s law of health July 1831–July 1833Trouble in MissouriKeeping faith strong in dangerous times November 1830–July 1831Mary and Caroline RollinsStrong love for the scriptures November 1833–February 1835The Camp of IsraelLearning to trust the Lord July 1835–March 1842The Pearl of Great PriceMore scripture from the Lord December 1832–March 1836Building the Kirtland TempleA special house for the Lord March 1836The Kirtland Temple Is DedicatedFeeling the Lord’s Spirit in His house April 1836Joseph and Oliver Receive Priesthood KeysJesus Christ and angels visit the Kirtland Temple April–June 1836Parley’s Mission to CanadaShowing faith in the Lord’s promises January–July 1837Parley Asks for ForgivenessA friend’s testimony builds his faith 1838Elijah AbleA mission of faith and courage October 1838–February 1839Hawn’s MillAn attack and a miracle October 1838–March 1839Liberty JailFinding the Lord during hard times April–July 1839A Day of HealingBlessing the sick with the power of God July 1838–July 1841The Apostles Serve a MissionTrusting the Lord’s promises 1840–1842Building NauvooThe Lord’s plans for a beautiful city August–October 1840Saints Learn about Baptism for the DeadHope for family members who were not baptized March 1842The Relief SocietyThe women of Nauvoo serve the Lord 1841–1843Jane Manning Travels to NauvooWalking with faith in the Lord 1843–1846Eternal Marriage and FamiliesSealed by the power of Jesus Christ April 1844–March 1852Telii Serves the LordBuilding the Church in Tubuai 1831–1890Plural MarriageA commandment for a time March–June 1844Joseph and Hyrum Give Their Lives for the GospelThe Prophet dies, but the Lord’s work continues June 1844–July 1847Leaving Nauvoo and Going WestSaints make and keep their promises to the Lord May–November 1856The Jackson FamilyA journey of faith and a rescue 1880–1886Desideria’s DreamLed by the Lord in Mexico 1902–1918Susa Young Gates and Joseph F. SmithA revelation about the spirit world 1950–1951The Yanagida FamilyTithing and faith in Jesus Christ April 1972–November 1978The Martins FamilyWaiting for the Lord’s blessings June 1989–November 1990A “Freeze” in GhanaStaying faithful while the Saints can’t gather