Scripture Stories
Hiram Page and Revelation

“Hiram Page and Revelation,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2024)

“Hiram Page and Revelation,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories

September 1830


Hiram Page and Revelation

The Saints learn how God guides His Church

Hiram Page sharing his message with members of the Church.

Hiram Page was a friend of Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. He was also one of the eight witnesses of the gold plates. Hiram had a stone, and he believed that God was using it to give him messages, or revelations, for the Church. Oliver and other Saints believed Hiram’s revelations came from God.

Doctrine and Covenants 28, section heading; Saints, 1:97

Joseph Smith and others listening to Hiram’s teaching.

Hiram’s revelations sounded like the scriptures. But they were different from what the Bible teaches. They were also different from what the Lord had told the Prophet Joseph. Joseph wasn’t sure what to do.

Saints, 1:97

Joseph praying for guidance.

Joseph stayed up most of the night asking God for help. He worried about doing the wrong thing and hurting his friends’ feelings.

Saints, 1:97

Joseph pondering in bed.

Joseph wanted people to seek revelation for their own lives. But it would be confusing if everyone tried to get revelation for the whole Church.

Saints, 1:97

Joseph sharing a revelation with Oliver Cowdery.

Finally, the Lord gave Joseph a revelation to share with Oliver. The Lord said that only the prophet can receive revelation and commandments for the whole Church. He said that Oliver should teach this to Hiram.

Doctrine and Covenants 28:2, 6–13

Oliver sharing the revelation with Hiram Page.

The Lord wanted Hiram to understand that he could receive revelation for his own life. But revelation for the Church would come to the Lord’s prophet. Hiram listened to Oliver and repented. The Saints now understood better how the Lord guides His Church.

Saints, 1:98