Scripture Stories
Trouble in Missouri

“Trouble in Missouri,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2024)

“Trouble in Missouri,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories

July 1831–July 1833


Trouble in Missouri

Keeping faith strong in dangerous times

Some people in Independence getting upset by arriving Saints.

Many Saints came to live in Independence, Missouri. The Lord wanted them to build the city of Zion there. But the Saints and the people who were already living in Independence didn’t get along. They disagreed about many things. Some people in the town were angry and wanted to make the Saints leave.

Doctrine and Covenants 57:1–3; Saints, 1:171–74

Leaders in Independence meeting with Edward Partridge.

Edward Partridge was the bishop in Independence. He came to a meeting with leaders of the town. They said the Saints had to leave Independence. Bishop Partridge knew that God wanted the Saints to build Zion in Independence. He said the Saints could not leave.

Saints, 1:176

Angry men tearing down homes and buildings.

Angry men started tearing down the homes and buildings that the Saints had built.

Saints, 1:177–78, 182

Men grabbing Edward Partridge and Charles Allen.

The men took Bishop Partridge and another man named Charles Allen from their homes. They dragged the two men to the center of the town.

Saints, 1:179

Edward and Charles being covered in tar and feathers.

Bishop Partridge said, “If I must suffer for my religion, it is no more than others have done before me.” The men pushed Bishop Partridge and Charles to the ground. They put hot tar and feathers all over their bodies.

Saints, 1:179–80

William McLellin hiding in the woods.

William McLellin, a member of the Church in Independence, heard about what the angry people were doing. He was afraid and ran into the woods to hide.

Saints, 1:182

William wondering what he will do if he gets caught.

William wondered what would happen if the angry men found him. Would he still say the Book of Mormon was true, even if they tried to kill him for it?

Saints, 1:182–83

Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer finding William.

William’s friends Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer found him in the woods. William knew that Oliver and David believed in the Book of Mormon. An angel had shown them the gold plates. “Tell me,” William asked them, “is that Book of Mormon true?”

Saints, 1:183

Oliver and David sharing their testimony with William.

Oliver and David told William that the Book of Mormon is true. They said that even if the angry men tried to kill them, they would never stop sharing their testimony with people. “I believe you,” William said.

Doctrine and Covenants 17:3–6; Saints, 1:183