undefined undefined The Lord Sends Oliver Cowdery
Scripture Stories
The Lord Sends Oliver Cowdery

“The Lord Sends Oliver Cowdery,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories (2024)

“The Lord Sends Oliver Cowdery,” Doctrine and Covenants Stories



The Lord Sends Oliver Cowdery

Learning how God speaks to us

Joseph and Emma Smith working in front of their small home.

Joseph and Emma kept translating the Book of Mormon. The work was hard, and they also had to work on their farm. Joseph prayed that Heavenly Father would send someone to help him translate the Book of Mormon.

Saints, 1:56, 58

Oliver Cowdery ringing a school bell.

Far away in New York, Oliver Cowdery, a young schoolteacher, was living with Joseph Smith’s parents. Oliver taught Joseph’s younger brothers and sisters.

Saints, 1:58–59

Oliver Cowdery sitting near a fireplace and talking to Joseph Smith’s parents.

Oliver heard about Joseph and the gold plates. He was curious. He talked to Joseph’s parents. They told Oliver that Joseph was doing God’s work.

Saints, 1:59

Oliver Cowdery kneeling at his bedside and praying to know more about Joseph Smith.

Now Oliver was even more curious. Joseph’s parents told Oliver that he should pray and find out for himself if it was God’s work. So one night, Oliver prayed with all his heart. God gave him peace in his mind. Oliver knew that Joseph Smith was God’s servant. He felt that he should help Joseph.

Saints, 1:60

Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith sitting near a fireplace. Emma is holding some manuscript pages.

When the school year ended, Oliver went to meet Joseph and Emma. Joseph and Oliver stayed up late talking about the gold plates and God’s work.

Saints, 1:60

Oliver Cowdery writing on a manuscript page.

Oliver said he would write while Joseph translated. He loved what he was learning about Jesus. He also had questions and wanted stronger faith.

Saints, 1:61

Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith sitting in chairs near a window.

Through the Prophet Joseph, the Lord gave Oliver a message. He told Oliver to remember the night when he had prayed. God had given him peace. Only God knew about this prayer. Oliver’s faith became stronger. He kept helping Joseph, and the Lord taught him many things about how God speaks to us.

Doctrine and Covenants 6:14–24; 8:1–3; 9:7–9; Saints, 1:62–64