3: We Are Children of God

“3: We Are Children of God,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide (2021)

“3: We Are Children of God,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide


We Are Children of God

Questions to Talk About

  1. Look at these pictures. What do you see?

  2. What can you do to help your children know they are children of God?

  3. How can knowing that they are children of God help your children succeed in school?

mother teaching child
father teaching son


Teach your children that we are children of God. We all can become like Him as we learn and grow. Help your children understand they can succeed in school because they are children of God. The ideas below will help your children succeed in school:

Focus on School

Help your children go to school and be on time. They should try to go to school every day and prepare for important exams.

Try Your Best

Teach your children to try their best and not give up when things get hard.

Be Obedient

Teach your children to obey the commandments, their parents, and the school rules. They will be blessed because they are obedient.

Ask for Help

Teach your children to ask for help and learn from others. Pray with them when they do not understand how to do something.

Talk Together

Talk with your children, and let them know they can come to you for help. Ask them about things that are hard for them. Work together to solve problems.

Believe in Yourself

Help your children believe in themselves and think good thoughts. When children think good thoughts about themselves, they feel like they can succeed.

Think and Pray

Think about what you have learned. Write down any thoughts you have or ideas that come from the Holy Ghost. What do you think the Lord wants you to do? What can you do to help your children succeed in school?


We are children of God, and He loves us. He loves you and your family. Think about the way God sees every member of your family. In the space below, write a few words or draw pictures to show one or two good things about each person in your family. Share these things with your family.



hands praying icon

Priscilla is kind.

Fehi is happy.

Sione is a hard worker.

Draw your pictures and write your words in the space below:

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about what you have learned. Discuss the questions below. Ask your family members to share their ideas and listen to each other.

  • How does knowing how God sees and loves His children help us in our lives?

  • How can knowing you are a child of God help you succeed in school?

parents reading to child
