9: Be a Part of Your Children’s Education

“9: Be a Part of Your Children’s Education,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide (2021)

“9: Be a Part of Your Children’s Education,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide


Be a Part of Your Children’s Education

Questions to Talk About

  1. Look at these pictures. What do you see?

  2. How can you be a part of your children’s education?

  3. How can your children ask their teachers for help if they do not understand?

teacher teaching class of children
mother reading with child


You can talk with your children, work with them, play with them, read with them, and listen to them. This will help your children feel loved. You can also ask them what they are learning in school. Ask them what is easy for them. Ask them what is hard. Ask them how they feel about their teachers. If you think it could help your children, ask their teachers if you can speak with them.

Teachers often like it when parents talk to them and ask them how they can help their children do well in school.

Before you meet with your children’s teachers, write down the questions you want to ask them. Here are some things you can do:

  1. Thank the teachers for teaching your children.

  2. Ask the teachers how your children are doing in their classes.

  3. Ask the teachers how you can help your children do better in school.

  4. Ask the teachers if there are important dates that you should know.

If you cannot meet with the teachers, you may be able to connect with them in one or more of these ways:

child writing on chalkboard
  • Send a text message.

  • Send an email.

  • Have a phone conversation.

  • Write a letter.

There are many people who help your children learn every day. Think of other people you can talk to about your children’s learning.

Think and Pray

Think about what you have learned. Write down any thoughts you have or ideas that come from the Holy Ghost. How can talking with other people about your children’s learning help your children in school?


Write down three things you would like to ask or talk about with your children’s teachers or other people who help your children learn.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about what you have learned. Discuss the questions below. Ask family members to share their ideas and listen to each other.

  • Who are people in our lives who help us learn?

  • How can others help each family member in school?

grandmother helping child study
