8: Help Children with Schoolwork at Home

“8: Help Children with Schoolwork at Home,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide (2021)

“8: Help Children with Schoolwork at Home,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide


Help Children with Schoolwork at Home

Questions to Talk About

  1. Look at these pictures. What do you see?

  2. How do you help your children with their schoolwork at home?

  3. Who can help if your children’s schoolwork is too hard for you to help?

mother and son building toy
father and son writing


Sometimes what your children learn in school is very hard for you to understand and help with. It is OK if you do not know everything. There are still many things you can do to help your children in school.


grandmother and granddaughter studying

Teach your children to work on their schoolwork every day. If your children have schoolwork that they need to finish at home, help them work on it. You can help your children make a plan to finish their schoolwork on time. It can help if children have a quiet time and place to study at home. You can help your children ask a teacher, friend, or another adult for help if their schoolwork is too hard.


child reading

Ask your children if they understand what they are learning. Ask them what they need to know for the exams. If they need help, you can talk to their teachers or have them ask their teachers for help.

You can help your children study for exams by having them answer past exam questions. You can also pray together for help. Try to give your children food and water before they take exams so they can think well and not be hungry. Tell your children that you believe in them and that you love them even if they do not do well on their exams.

Think and Pray

Think about what you have learned. Write down any thoughts you have or ideas that come from the Holy Ghost. How can you help your children do their schoolwork and study for exams?


Look at the lists below. Draw a check mark (✓) in the box next to the things you would like to do with your children.

home icon

Schoolwork at Home

  • Ask your children what they are learning.

  • Help with your children’s schoolwork.

  • Try to find a time and place for your children to study.

  • Ask your children when their schoolwork must be given to their teachers.

  • If they need help, have your children ask a friend or a teacher for help.

  • Pray to know how to help your children.

test icon

Exam Preparation

  • Ask your children if they understand what they are learning.

  • Ask your children what they need to know for their exams.

  • Have your children study past exam questions.

  • Give your children food and water before they take an exam.

  • Tell your children you love them even if they do not do well on their exams.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about what you have learned. Discuss the questions below. Ask your family members to share their ideas and listen to each other.

  • How can we help family members with their schoolwork?

  • What can we do to help family members study for their exams?

  • Where can family members study at home?

children studying
