4: Make Goals to Help Your Children Succeed

“4: Make Goals to Help Your Children Succeed,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide (2021)

“4: Make Goals to Help Your Children Succeed,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide


Make Goals to Help Your Children Succeed

Questions to Talk About

  1. Look at these pictures. What do you see?

  2. Why is having goals important?

  3. How do you feel when you complete a goal you have made?

young woman writing
mother and daughter talking


If you want to solve a problem or do something, you need to decide how you will do it. This is called making a goal. Helping your children learn to make goals will help them succeed.

You and your children can make a goal in four easy steps:

  1. Discover

  2. Plan

  3. Act

  4. Reflect

Look at the example below to see how the steps can help you and your children make goals.

  1. Discover:

    What do you need to improve or change?

    My daughter is having a hard time in math. She asked me for help, but I am not good at math.

  2. Plan:

    What steps do you need to take?

    I will talk to her teacher and other parents about ways to help my daughter with math.

  3. Act:

    Do you need more help?

    I prayed for help. I felt like I should talk with a member in my ward who is a teacher. She said she will tutor my daughter. We set a time for them to meet each week.

  4. Reflect:

    What did you learn? Do you need to make a new goal or continue this goal?

    I need to check in daily with my daughter to see how she is doing on her math assignments and review her notes.

Think and Pray

Think about what you have learned. Write down any thoughts you have or ideas that come from the Holy Ghost. What do you think the Lord wants you to do? How can you set an example for your children by making and completing goals?


Think about something you want to improve or change. Use the first two steps to make a goal.

After you do your plan, come back to this activity and complete the next two steps:

  1. Discover:

    What do you need to improve or change?

  2. Plan:

    How will you improve or make the change? What steps do you need to take?

  3. Act:

    How has faith in Jesus Christ helped you reach your goal? Do you need more help?

  4. Reflect:

    What did you learn? Do you need to make a new goal or continue this goal?

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about what you have learned. Ask your family members to share their ideas and listen to each other.

  • Help your children make goals. Pray together to know what they should do.

  • Write each child’s goal below. Talk about how you will help each child reach his or her goal.

parents talking to young woman
