7: Help Children Practice Reading, Writing, and Mathematics

“7: Help Children Practice Reading, Writing, and Mathematics,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide (2021)

“7: Help Children Practice Reading, Writing, and Mathematics,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide


Help Children Practice Reading, Writing, and Mathematics

Questions to Talk About

  1. Look at these pictures. What do you see?

  2. How do you think the children feel about learning?

  3. How do you help your children learn every day?

family looking at picture
mother studying with children


Children learn many things at school. They can practice at home to help them remember what they have learned. Here are some ways to help your children practice reading, writing, and mathematics every day:


children reading together

Reading is a very important way children learn. Parents can help their children understand how reading will help them in school and in their lives. Children can learn to read better by reading to themselves or out loud to others every day. You can ask your children to read to you while you make food or work in your home. You can also ask them to read words or verses in the scriptures. Older children can read to their younger brothers and sisters.


child writing

Writing can help children think and learn. As they write, children are able to share their ideas and use new words. You can ask your children to write a little every day. Some children like writing stories. Others like writing about things that happen to them. Ask your children to read what they write to you.


mother and child shopping

Learning mathematics skills is very important. These skills are used in building, cooking, and other parts of everyday life. Many children think mathematics is hard. But it doesn’t have to be. You can help your children learn mathematics every day. Ask your children to count money or pay for things at the market. Ask them to count things at home or when you cook food. This will help them think about numbers and how they use mathematics every day.

Think and Pray

Think about what you have learned. Write down any thoughts you have or ideas that come from the Spirit. How are you helping your children practice reading, writing, and mathematics every day?


Look at the lists below. Draw a check mark (✓) in the box next to the things you would like to do with your children.

books icon

Reading at Home

With your children:

  • Read a book out loud.

  • Read the labels of things.

  • Take turns reading the scriptures.

  • Read signs along roads.

  • Say the names of letters they see.

pencil icon

Writing at Home

Ask your children to:

  • Draw pictures and tell you about them.

  • Write letters.

  • Write stories.

  • Write names of family members.

  • Write in a journal.

calculator icon

Mathematics at Home

With your children:

  • Count things at the market.

  • Measure food items while cooking.

  • Add and subtract numbers.

  • Practice a math problem together.

  • Read the time on a clock.

Talk with Your Family

Talk with your family about what you have learned. Discuss the questions below. Ask your family members to share their ideas and listen to each other.

  • What things are you learning in school?

  • How can we help each other read and write every day?

  • How can we help each other do mathematics every day?

children reading
