Ways to Help Your Children Succeed in School and Feel Loved

“Ways to Help Your Children Succeed in School and Feel Loved,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide (2021)

“Ways to Help Your Children Succeed in School and Feel Loved,” Help Your Children Succeed in School: Parent Guide

Ways to Help Your Children Succeed in School and Feel Loved

  • Teach and show your children that learning helps them become more like Jesus Christ.

  • Help your children know they are children of God who can learn and grow.

mother and daughter reading
  • Talk to your children with love and kindness, and help them keep trying.

  • Tell your children you believe in them and always love them.

grandmother reading with children
  • Set goals with your children to help them use their time wisely.

  • Help your children practice reading, writing, and mathematics every day.

family playing game
  • Help your children study for school and exams.

  • Speak with your children’s teachers and others who help them learn.

parents reading to child

Write some of the most important things you have learned from this guide.

family studying
