Handbooks and Callings

“Introduction,” Instructor’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work (2008), v–vii

“Introduction,” Instructor’s Guide, v–vii


The Temple and Family History Course

The Instructor’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work is used to teach the Temple and Family History course. This beginning-level course is designed to help Church members understand the doctrines related to temple and family history work, begin to do family history research, and perform temple ordinances for their ancestors. Individuals who are already engaged in temple and family history work can also benefit from the course by learning about additional resources that are available.

The primary resources for this course are:

  • Member’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work (36795)

  • Instructor’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work (35804)

  • Temple and Family History Course DVD (54102)

Each person who takes the course should have a copy of the Member’s Guide. The course instructor uses the Instructor’s Guide and the Temple and Family History Course DVD to teach the course.

Ward or branch leaders may ask a family history consultant or some other qualified member to teach the course. As guided by the Holy Ghost, leaders may invite specific members to attend. The course may be taught at any time that is convenient for members, including during Sunday School, as determined by the bishopric or branch presidency.

The course material can be used in other ways to teach ward or branch members:

  • High priests group leaders, elders quorum presidencies, and Relief Society presidencies may use individual lessons for instruction on the first Sunday of the month. As appropriate, they may use the lessons for firesides or for teaching opportunities on weeknights or Saturdays.

  • Bishoprics and branch presidencies may use individual lessons or materials from the lessons in combined Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society meetings on fifth Sundays. They may also use the lessons for firesides or activities for young men and young women.

  • Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women advisers may use the lessons as a resource for instruction on Mutual night. They may use the lessons to teach the young men and young women together or in their respective organizations, or they may use the lessons as the basis for activities.

  • Individuals may study the course on their own.

For the Instructor

This guide will help you, as the instructor, to teach the Temple and Family History course to members of the Church. This beginning-level course will help class members:

  • Learn basic doctrines related to temple and family history work.

  • Gather family history information about their ancestors.

  • Record family history information.

  • Perform temple ordinances for their ancestors.

Course Materials

The course materials should be used as follows:

  • Member’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work. Each class member should have a copy of the Member’s Guide. Encourage class members to study the guide carefully and bring it to class with them each week.

  • Instructor’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work. Use the Instructor’s Guide to teach the course. It contains basic lessons on doing temple and family history work. Lessons contain objectives, key points, and assignments for class members.

  • Temple and Family History Course DVD. This DVD provides video segments about the principles taught in each lesson and will help you present the lessons. If a DVD player is not available, you can teach the course using only the Instructor’s Guide.

Lesson Preparation

These lessons should be adapted to the needs of class members. For example, if class members are comfortable using computers, you may not need to teach the section on how to record information on paper forms.

If more time is needed to teach a lesson, you may take two or more weeks to cover the material. You may have individuals in your class who have experience in doing family history research. If so, they may be able to assist in class as the need arises.

Review the “Objectives” and “Preparation” sections of each lesson. They will help you prepare for each lesson and know what supplies you will need. You can use your own experiences or the experiences of others to supplement the lessons.

At the beginning of each lesson, review the assignments from the previous class and see if class members have any questions. Invite them to share the experiences they have had doing family history work. At the end of each lesson, encourage class members to fulfill the assignments for the coming week.

Optional Computer Workshops

The workshops found in the appendix provide hands-on experience with the FamilySearch Internet site, found at new.familysearch.org. If class members need additional help with computer tasks, you can use these workshops to supplement the lessons.

Follow the Guidance of the Holy Ghost

Be prayerful about the needs of class members. Listen to the Holy Ghost as you consider the instructions, examples, and DVD segments to use for each class. Also, encourage class members to record their experiences and spiritual impressions as they do temple and family history work. Doing this can help them recognize and follow promptings from the Holy Ghost about what to do next.

Technical Support

If you need help using the FamilySearch Internet site, contact family history area support at 1-866-406-1830. If you live outside of North America, visit the following Web site to find the telephone number for your area: contact.familysearch.org.
