Handbooks and Callings
Workshop 1: Registering on the FamilySearch Internet Site

“Workshop 1: Registering on the FamilySearch Internet Site,” Instructor’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work (2008), 24–25

“Workshop 1,” Instructor’s Guide, 24–25

Workshop 1

Registering on the FamilySearch Internet Site


This material should be taught as a workshop in which class members will be able to practice with a computer. When class members complete the workshop, they should be able to register on the FamilySearch Internet site.


In preparation for this workshop:

  • Prayerfully study pages 8–9 of the Member’s Guide.

  • Arrange for a place to teach the workshop. You can teach the workshop in your home or in a family history center or wherever a computer with Internet access is available. Try to find a place with more than one computer so that all class members can practice using the FamilySearch Internet site, found at new.familysearch.org. If only one computer is available, encourage class members to take turns doing the tasks so each person gains experience.

  • Practice using the FamilySearch Internet site so you can show class members how to use its basic features. These include viewing family information, moving forward and backward through the pedigree, and switching between family group record and pedigree views.

  • Go to the Help Center at new.familysearch.org, and review the instructions for using the Internet site. The online instructions are the most current. You may want to print some of these materials to distribute to your class members.


Explain the process for registering on the FamilySearch Internet site. You may want to have class members turn to page 8 in the Member’s Guide and review the steps listed there.


Registration and Sign-In

  • Distribute copies of any instructions you have printed from the FamilySearch Internet site so that class members can follow along during the demonstration.

  • Use the computer to show class members the home page at new.familysearch.org.

  • Invite a class member to help with the demonstration. Have that person sit at the computer keyboard.

  • Guide the volunteer through each step of the registration process while the other class members watch.

  • After the person has registered, help him or her sign in for the first time and view family information.


  • Show class members how to move forward and backward through the pedigree view. Point out the temple icons that indicate when temple ordinances need to be performed.

  • Show class members how to print information from the family group record and pedigree views.

  • You may also want to show class members the helps and resources available in the Help Center.


  • If you have access to only one computer, have class members take turns using it. If you have multiple computers, encourage class members to share computers if necessary.

  • Allow class members time to register on the FamilySearch Internet site and view and print information about their families.

  • Provide help and feedback as needed. Answer questions that arise during the workshop.

  • Encourage class members to look for ancestors who need to have temple ordinances performed for them.
