Handbooks and Callings
Lesson 7: Providing Temple Ordinances

“Lesson 7: Providing Temple Ordinances,” Instructor’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work (2008), 20–23

“Lesson 7,” Instructor’s Guide, 20–23

Lesson 7

Providing Temple Ordinances


When class members complete this lesson, they should be able to:

  • Understand the blessings that come from temple and family history work.

  • Understand basic policies and guidelines for preparing names for temple ordinances.

  • Print a Family Ordinance Request form to take to the temple.


In preparation for this lesson:

  • Prayerfully study pages 29–36 of the Member’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work.

  • Review the following segments of the Temple and Family History Course DVD. (If you are not able to show the segments, you can cover some of the same information by presenting the discussion activity that follows the showing of the segments.)

    • “Submitting Names to the Temple” (5:57 minutes)

    • “Blessings of Temple and Family History Work” (5:47 minutes)

  • Reserve a DVD player from the meetinghouse library for the class session.

  • Review the policies for preparing names for temple work, as found on pages 30–32 of the Member’s Guide. Be prepared to answer questions the class members might have about these policies.

Review Assignments

Begin the class by briefly reviewing the assignments from the previous lesson. Ask class members:

  • How many of you were able to use the Record Selection Table (in appendix C of the Member’s Guide) to locate helpful public records?

  • How many of you found new information that could be added to your family pedigree and family group records?

  • What experiences did you have while searching public records?

  • What questions do you have?

Key Points

1. Awaiting the Blessings of the Gospel

Explain that during this lesson, class members will learn how to prepare names for temple work.

Find out if anyone in the class has served a mission or has recently joined the Church. Ask these individuals to describe how new converts feel when they are finally able to enjoy the blessings of the gospel in their lives. Explain that we can help to bring this same joy into the lives of our ancestors.

Testify of the blessings that come into our lives as we serve our ancestors in the temples of the Lord.

2. Policies for Preparing Names for Temple Work

Review with class members the guidelines for determining which names to submit for temple work, found on page 30 of the Member’s Guide. Ask the following questions:

  • Why is it important to seek permission from the closest living relative when you would like to perform temple work for a deceased person born within the last 95 years?

  • Which family members can be considered the closest living relatives?

Discuss the guidelines for determining what ordinances need to be performed, found on pages 31–32 of the Member’s Guide. Explain that when class members enter their family information into the FamilySearch Internet site, the system will automatically identify which ancestors qualify for temple ordinances and which ancestors may not need ordinances.

Discuss the responsibility that Church members have to perform temple ordinances for their own ancestors. Emphasize that members should not submit the names of people who are not related to them for temple work.

Encourage class members to comply with Church policies as they prepare names for temple work.

3. Submitting Names to the Temple

CD Icon
DVD Presentation

Before showing this DVD segment, ask class members to look for the ways in which names can be submitted to the temple.

Show “Submitting Names to the Temple” (5:57 minutes).


Ask class members to describe the two ways to submit a name to the temple. Make sure they understand that they can use the FamilySearch Internet site or paper forms. Then ask:

  • How do you use the FamilySearch Internet site to arrange for temple ordinances to be performed?

  • How do you use paper forms to arrange for temple ordinances to be performed?

Ask class members if they have any questions about how to submit names for temple work.

4. Performing Temple Ordinances

Have class members turn to “Performing Temple Ordinances” on pages 33–34 of the Member’s Guide. Discuss the information about scheduling a visit to the temple, what happens at the temple, and what to do after a visit to the temple. Be sure that class members understand what is expected of them.

5. Blessings of Temple Work

CD Icon
DVD Presentation

Before showing this DVD segment, ask class members to look for the blessings that come from temple and family history work.

Show “Blessings of Temple and Family History Work” (5:47 minutes).


Discuss some of the blessings mentioned in the DVD segment. As appropriate, invite class members to describe blessings that have come into their lives as they have done the temple and family history work associated with this course.

Read President Boyd K. Packer’s statement on pages 34–35 of the Member’s Guide. Emphasize the following idea: “Family history work has the power to do something for the dead. It has an equal power to do something to the living.”

6. Continuing Your Efforts

Invite a class member to read Doctrine and Covenants 128:22. Encourage class members to continue identifying and redeeming their ancestors through temple and family history work.

Optional Workshop

If class members need help as they prepare names for temple ordinances, you may want to teach workshop 3, “Preparing Names for Temple Ordinances,” found in appendix C. You can teach this workshop to a small group or use it to provide help to an individual.

Follow Up

Your challenge as an instructor is to follow up with class members to help them with temple and family history work. Arrange times during the next few weeks to visit with each of them to see how they are doing with this work. Offer to help class members where you can. You could also include family history consultants in this follow-up effort. Your continued support will play an important role in class members’ success.
