Lesson 11
Help People Make and Keep Commitments
Preach My Gospel, Chapter 11
“Helping people become converted to Jesus Christ is central to [the] missionary purpose” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ [2023], 202). An important way to assist others in their conversion is by inviting them to make and keep commitments. Extending effective invitations increases the likelihood that people will make and keep commitments.
Review and Follow Up
Discussion leader: Invite learners to think about their recent efforts to apply what they are learning in this class. You could invite them to share some of their efforts with a partner or together as a class.
Learning Activity Options
Discussion leader: Prayerfully select the learning option(s) that would be most beneficial for your class. Be sure to leave plenty of time for practice and application.
Option A: How can I help others become converted to the Lord?
Discussion leader: Discuss the following statement by Elder David A. Bednar.
The Lord’s authorized servants repeatedly teach that one of the principal purposes of our mortal existence is to be spiritually changed and transformed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. (“Ye Must Be Born Again,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 19–20)
Why do you think being spiritually changed, or converted, is one of the main purposes of our time on earth?
Discussion leader: Consider displaying the following incomplete sentences as headings on the board:
Being converted to the Lord means …
We can become converted to Jesus Christ by …
Invite class members to think about or share how they would finish these two sentences. Explain that this learning activity can help them better understand what conversion is and how we become converted. Display the following instructions:
Complete the following study activities. Highlight what you learn about (1) what it means to be converted to the Lord and (2) how conversion takes place.
Read the section titled “Repentance, Commitment, and Conversion” in chapter 11 of Preach My Gospel (pages 201–2).
Study at least two of the following scripture passages: John 3:3–5; Mosiah 5:2; Mosiah 27:25–26; Alma 5:12–14.
Discussion leader: After sufficient time for studying, invite class members to share what they learned. You could invite learners to write their answers under the appropriate heading on the board.
You might also discuss together the following questions:
How do repentance, commitments, and covenants relate to conversion?
Why do you think conversion is ultimately possible only through Jesus Christ and His Atonement?
What has helped you deepen your own conversion to Jesus Christ?
Discussion leader: The following activity can help learners practice explaining the truths they have studied in the previous learning activity. Display the following instructions and give class members time to respond. You could assign learners or partners a specific scenario to work on and have them teach others who were assigned to work on different scenarios.
Choose one of the following scenarios. Prepare a response for the person in the scenario by answering the questions below.
Christina has never belonged to a church. She has recently felt a desire to come closer to God. She wonders where she should start.
Isaac is being taught by the missionaries. During one of the lessons, the missionaries taught Isaac that repentance involves turning toward God and away from our sins. Isaac responded by saying, “I’m not sure I could do that. This is just the way I am.”
Jasmine notices others who seem to have an easier time keeping the commandments and have stronger testimonies than her. She feels discouraged when she compares herself to other people.
What could you share from the scriptures or Preach My Gospel that could help?
What could you teach about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
What is an invitation you could extend?
Discussion leader: After sufficient time, invite learners to share their responses with a partner or small group.
Set a goal
Discussion leader: Give class members time to reflect on what they have learned and set goals. You could display the following to help them:
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following, or think of your own.
Write down your personal, ongoing conversion story. Include specific ways God has influenced changes in your life.
Ask a friend or family member about their process of conversion to Jesus Christ.
Write three ways you could seek the help of Jesus Christ to strengthen your personal conversion.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).
Discussion leader: If learners have a group of peers to share their goals with throughout the course, give them time to share how they will support or remind each other before the next class.
Option B: How can effective invitations help people come unto Jesus Christ?
Discussion leader: Display the following questions and invite learners to discuss them with a partner. You might begin by sharing an example from your own life.
What is an invitation you received and acted on that has helped you come closer to Jesus Christ?
How might things have been different for you if you had not been given this invitation?
Discussion leader: To help learners begin studying about effective invitations, consider sharing the instructions listed below. You could divide the class into pairs and assign each partner one of the study options. You could also invite each learner to read one or more of the scriptures found in the “Scripture Study” box on page 203, under “Principles for Extending Invitations.”
Learn about extending invitations by studying the following in chapter 11 of Preach My Gospel:
The two paragraphs and bullet points under the heading “Extend Invitations” (page 202)
“Principles for Extending Invitations” (page 203)
Discussion leader: When they have finished studying, invite class members to summarize what they learned with their partners. Then consider discussing the following questions together as a class:
What did you learn about the importance of extending invitations as we share the gospel of Jesus Christ?
What are examples of invitations we can extend to help others come unto Christ?
Discussion leader: As part of your discussion, you could show “Inviting Others to ‘Come and See’” (1:17) or “Inviting Others to ‘Come and Help’” (1:03). Both videos are available at ChurchofJesusChrist.org:
You could also share the following statement by Elder Gary E. Stevenson:
There are hundreds of invitations we can extend to others. We can invite others to “come and see” a sacrament service, a ward activity, an online video that explains the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Come and see” can be an invitation to read the Book of Mormon or visit a new temple during its open house prior to its dedication. (“Love, Share, Invite,” Liahona, May 2022, 86)
Discussion leader: To give learners opportunities to practice extending invitations, you could distribute the handout “Extending Invitations.” Give class members time to complete the handout, either individually or with a partner.
Extending Invitations
The following principles can help you extend effective invitations:
Be kind, specific, and clear. Phrase your invitation in the form of a “will you” question. For examples, see “Invite with Kind and Clear Language” in chapter 11 of Preach My Gospel (page 203).
Testify of blessings. Share your testimony that God will bless those who follow the invitation you are extending. You could explain how you have personally been blessed. For more information, see “Promise People Blessings” and “Share Your Testimony” in chapter 11 of Preach My Gospel (pages 204–5).
Here is an example of an invitation that follows these guidelines:
The Lord has promised great blessings to those who obey the law of tithing. He blessed me individually and my family as we have obeyed this law. I promise that God will bless you as you exercise faith in Jesus Christ and pay tithing. Will you obey the law of tithing after you are baptized?
Use these steps to help you practice creating and extending an invitation.
Determine what you could do to invite someone to come closer to Jesus Christ. This could be a person you know or someone you imagine teaching as a missionary.
Examples of actions they could do include meeting with the missionaries, reading daily from the Book of Mormon, attending church with you, or praying to Heavenly Father. For more examples, see “Invitations You Might Extend” in lessons 1–3 of chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel (pages 32–33, 49, 64).
Record what you will say to extend the invitation. Remember to be kind, specific, and clear in your approach. Be sure to include your testimony about the blessings we can receive as we live this principle.
Discussion leader: After learners have completed the handout, give them time to practice extending their invitation with a partner. You may want to model this before class members practice on their own. If time permits, you could invite learners to practice with multiple class members.
Set a goal
Discussion leader: Give class members time to reflect on what they have learned and set goals. You could display the following to help them:
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following, or think of your own.
Practice extending your invitation to a family member or friend outside of class.
Explore the “Sharing the Gospel” section on Gospel Library and look for examples of invitations you might extend to family or friends. Act on what you feel inspired to do.
Invite a friend to attend church or a church activity with you. Use the guidelines you practiced as you invite them.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).
Discussion leader: If learners have a group of peers to share their goals with throughout the course, give them time to share how they will support or remind each other before the next class.
Next Time
Discussion leader: If you are ready to study lesson 12 next class, consider inviting learners to prepare by looking through Adjusting to Missionary Life (2013). You could send them a link to this resource or show them how to find it in Gospel Library (Library > Handbooks and Callings > Mission Callings > Adjusting to Missionary Life).