Mission Callings
Lesson 2: Introduction to Preach My Gospel

Lesson 2

Introduction to Preach My Gospel

Missionaries studying Preach my Gospel

Preach My Gospel is a valuable resource not just for missionaries but for all members of the Church” (Preach My Gospel [2023], ix). This inspired resource can help missionaries fulfill their purpose of inviting others to come unto Christ. It can also help us come closer to the Savior and better understand His doctrine.

Review and Follow Up

Discussion leader: Invite learners to think about their recent efforts to apply what they are learning in this class. You could invite them to share some of their efforts with a partner or together as a class.

Suggested Learning Activity

How can studying Preach My Gospel bless my life?


Discussion leader: Display a picture of Preach My Gospel, or hold up a physical copy for the class to see. Invite a few class members to share what they know about it or what experiences they have had studying it.

Preach My Gospel

Discussion leader: Explain that in this lesson, class members will learn more about Preach My Gospel. Share the following instructions.

Instead of using the statement from President Nelson, you could show the video “President Russell M. Nelson Introduces Preach My Gospel, Second Edition” (2:58).

Study “First Presidency Message” (Preach My Gospel, v) and the following statement from President Russell M. Nelson. Pay attention to how studying Preach My Gospel can bless you.

President Russell M. Nelson

Preach My Gospel contains some of the best instruction I’ve ever seen to help people accept the Lord’s invitation to come unto Him.

I invite you to enjoy the enrichment to your own testimony that the updated Preach My Gospel manual can provide. You’ll sense the privilege it is to assist our Father in Heaven in His holy work. As you study and apply the teachings from Preach My Gospel second edition, from the scriptures, and from living prophets, you will be blessed. Your own testimony will be enriched. Your capacity to share the Savior’s gospel will increase.” (In D. Todd Christofferson, Use the Power of the Book of Mormon.[address given at the seminar for new mission leaders, June 23, 2023], Gospel Library)

  • What promised blessings stood out to you? Why?


handout iconDiscussion leader: Provide the handout titled “What Is in Preach My Gospel?” Give class members about 10–12 minutes to answer the questions in the handout and to prepare a three-minute overview of Preach My Gospel.

What Is in Preach My Gospel?

Imagine the leaders of your ward wanted to help the youth begin studying from Preach My Gospel. They heard that you were in a missionary preparation class, and they have invited you to prepare a three-minute overview to share with the youth.

Prepare this overview by recording your answers to the following questions and completing the following activity. Highlight statements from Preach My Gospel that help answer these questions.

Take a tour of Preach My Gospel by doing the following:

  • Find “Introduction to Preach My Gospel,” and look over the bullet points that describe how Preach My Gospel is organized (see page vii).

  • Explore chapter 3 to discover what missionaries teach. Read the first five paragraphs (on page 25), and then quickly look through the four lessons in the rest of the chapter.

  • Choose one of the following chapters to explore: 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6. Read the chapter’s bolded headings.

  • Based on what you found in Preach My Gospel, what do you feel is most beneficial to share in your overview?

Discussion leader: After time for preparation, invite class members to share their overview with a partner. After they have shared their overviews, you could ask a question like the following:

How can diligently studying Preach My Gospel along with the scriptures help you draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

Set a goal

Discussion leader: Give class members time to reflect on what they have learned and to set goals. You could display the following to help them:

Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use some of the following ideas, or think of your own.

  • Determine how you will use Preach My Gospel as part of your gospel study.

  • Study one or more of the lessons that missionaries teach in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel.

My goal
  • I will … (action you will take).

  • I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).

Discussion leader: If learners have a group to share their goals with, give them time to share how they will support or remind each other before the next class.

Next Time

Discussion leader: If you are ready to teach lesson 3 next time, consider inviting class members to study chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel in preparation. You might also want to send them a reminder.