Lesson 3
Fulfill Your Missionary Purpose
Preach My Gospel, Chapter 1
A missionary’s purpose is to “invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end” (Preach My Gospel [2023], 1). Understanding and applying this purpose to all aspects of missionary work can elevate how young people think about, prepare for, and serve a mission.
Review and Follow Up
Learning Activity Options
Option A: What is a missionary’s purpose?
Imagine you have a friend who is not a member of the Church. When your friend asks what your plans are today, you mention that you are going to attend a missionary preparation class. Your friend then asks, “What do missionaries do?”
Read “Your Purpose” (Preach My Gospel, 1) and the following statement from Elder D. Todd Christofferson.
Please do not ignore chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel and its question “What is my purpose as a missionary?” Internalize the purpose of bringing people to Christ through the principles and ordinances of the restored gospel, and you will understand that sharing the gospel is not a program; it is a cause—the cause of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (D. Todd Christofferson, “Why We Share the Gospel,” Ensign, Aug. 2014, 36)
Discuss how internalizing this purpose could affect the following:
How you prepare for a mission
Your actions as a missionary
Read “Your Commission to Teach the Restored Gospel” (Preach My Gospel, 1–2). As you study, highlight:
Reasons why we invite others to come to Jesus Christ.
What we can do to help others come to Jesus Christ.
How has following the Savior brought “greater happiness, hope, peace, and purpose” (page 2) to you or people you know?
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following or think of your own.
Continue practicing your memorization of the missionary purpose. Share it from memory with a family member or friend. Think of what you already do or can start doing that is part of the missionary purpose.
Visit the “Sharing the Gospel” page at ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Look for ideas that can help you share the gospel with others.
Prayerfully think of someone you want to help come closer to Jesus Christ and experience the blessings of His gospel. Determine what you will do to help them (for example, “I will pray for this person and invite them to church this Sunday”).
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).
Option B: How does the doctrine of Christ change lives?
The pure doctrine of Christ is powerful. It changes the life of everyone who understands it and seeks to implement it in his or her life. (“Pure Truth, Pure Doctrine, and Pure Revelation,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 6)
If someone asked you what the doctrine of Christ is, what would you say?
Find the section in chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel titled “The Gospel of Christ and Doctrine of Christ.” Read the first three paragraphs and the statement from Hyrum Smith (page 6). Look for answers to these two questions:
What is the doctrine of Christ?
Why should someone preparing for a mission seek to understand and live the doctrine of Christ?
Learn more about the doctrine of Christ by studying the following sections from chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel (pages 7–9):
“Enduring to the End” (Also study 2 Nephi 31:19–20.)
As you study, highlight important words and phrases. Consider reading some of the scriptures associated with the section. Be prepared to share what you learned.
Summarize the part of the doctrine of Christ that you studied. Consider including the following points in your summary:
A brief summary of what you studied
How this part of the doctrine helps people come unto Christ and access His saving power
How you or someone you know has been blessed by following this part of the doctrine of Christ
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following or think of your own.
Study 2 Nephi 31, looking for Nephi’s teachings about the doctrine of Christ.
Identify an element of the doctrine of Christ that you want to incorporate more fully into your life. Consider how you will do that.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).
Option C: What makes a successful missionary?
How can someone know if they are a successful missionary?
Read the first nine paragraphs of “A Successful Missionary” in chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel (page 13). Highlight or mark the characteristics of successful missionaries. In a different way (such as a different color or way of underlining), mark things that are unimportant to success.
Look over the bullets at the top of page 14. Choose two or more scripture references to read, looking for what they teach about being a successful missionary.
Imagine you receive a message from a friend who is serving a full-time mission. They feel like they are failing as a missionary because no one they have taught has been baptized and they have never held a leadership position. They are starting to feel like they are wasting their time.
Based on what you learned from “A Successful Missionary” in chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel (pages 13–14), help your friend think differently about what it means to be a successful missionary.
Share how focusing more on Jesus Christ could change how your friend feels about their missionary service.
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following or think of your own.
Think of someone you know who is serving a mission. Write them an email or a letter that summarizes what you learned today about being a successful missionary. You could also ask the missionary what they have found makes them successful.
Think of what you could do now to prepare to be a successful missionary in the future.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).