Lesson 7
The Invitation to Be Baptized and Confirmed
Preach My Gospel, Chapter 3
The Savior has commanded all accountable people to repent, be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. “Keeping the covenant of baptism is the first step in binding ourselves to God so the Holy Ghost can cleanse, strengthen, and change our nature for the better” (Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ [2023], 28). Extending invitations to be baptized and confirmed is an important way missionaries fulfill their purpose of helping others come unto Jesus Christ.
Review and Follow Up
Learning Activity Options
Option A: Why are baptism and confirmation important?
What do you remember about your own baptism and confirmation?
What are some of the ways the Lord has blessed you because of your decision to be baptized and confirmed?
Study the paragraphs under the heading “Doctrinal Foundation” (Preach My Gospel, 28), along with at least two of the scriptures that are referenced. Consider looking for and marking teachings that deepen your understanding about the importance of baptism and confirmation.
What did you find that could help someone feel a desire to be baptized and confirmed?
What did you learn about how God blesses those who choose to be baptized and confirmed?
Once you and I have made a covenant with God, our relationship with Him becomes much closer than before our covenant. Now we are bound together. Because of our covenant with God, He will never tire in His efforts to help us, and we will never exhaust His merciful patience with us. Each of us has a special place in God’s heart. He has high hopes for us. (“The Everlasting Covenant,” Liahona, Oct. 2022, 28)
Imagine you are talking to a friend who is unfamiliar with the ordinances of baptism and confirmation. Your friend asks, “Why does a person need to be baptized and confirmed?” What would you say?
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following, or think of your own.
Write down how you are blessed because you have been baptized and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Share what you wrote with a loved one, in a fast and testimony meeting, or on social media.
Reflect on the covenant you made when you were baptized. Determine how you can keep your baptismal covenant more fully.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).
Option B: How can I invite others to be baptized and confirmed?
Imagine you are a newly called missionary. You and your companion are planning your schedule for the upcoming day. Your companion explains that they have felt prompted to invite one of the people you are teaching to be baptized and confirmed. Your companion asks if you will extend the invitation during your teaching appointment this afternoon. This will be your first time inviting someone to be baptized and confirmed.
How confident would you feel about extending this invitation?
What questions might you have?
Study “Extending the Invitation” and “Ideas for the Invitation to Be Baptized” (Preach My Gospel, 28–29). Look for guidelines that could help you invite someone to be baptized and confirmed. Consider marking what stands out to you.
Which guidelines or suggestions did you find most helpful? Why?
Why do you think it would be helpful to focus on the example of the Savior when inviting others to be baptized?
Practice preparing and extending an invitation to be baptized and confirmed by doing the following:
Write a simple plan for how you would invite someone to be baptized and confirmed. Try to follow these guidelines in your plan: (1) be specific and direct, (2) promise blessings, and (3) share your testimony.
With a partner, take turns extending the invitation you prepared.
After practicing with your partner, determine how you might adjust your invitation.
Practice again with a different partner.
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following, or think of your own.
Study additional scripture passages about baptism and confirmation. Then share what you learned with a family member or friend.
Think of someone you want to help come closer to Jesus Christ. Determine an invitation you could extend to them.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).