Lesson 6
Practice Teaching
Helps for Teaching Lessons from Chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel
Providing class members with repeated teaching opportunities can increase their confidence and ability to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. It can also strengthen their testimony of the Savior and His doctrine.
How to use this lesson
Frequency: Class members will benefit from repeated teaching opportunities throughout the course.
Examples: Before inviting class members to teach, show them examples of what they are being asked to do. For instance, you could (1) demonstrate how to teach a truth, or (2) use the short sample lessons from “Teach When You Find” (Preach My Gospel, 175-76).
Environment: Be sure each person has someone to teach. Ensure that they face their partner or group and that everyone can hear each other. Encourage learners to respect their peers who are teaching them.
Repetition: Try to give learners opportunities to teach the same truth multiple times in a class session. This will help them adjust and improve. You could assign them to teach different people each time.
Adaptation: Over time, you could help learners focus on more refined teaching skills, such as teaching with a companion, extending effective invitations, or asking good questions. For ideas of additional skills you could incorporate, see the skill practices at the end of this manual.
Ideas to help class members practice teaching
Brief summary
Locate the section titled “Doctrinal Foundation” in lesson 1, 2, or 3 from chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel (pages 33–44, 50–60, 64–74).
Choose one of the topics in this section that you want to study. Take a few minutes to study and understand this topic.
Share a one-to-two-minute summary of your topic with a partner or small group.
Simple lesson outline
Locate the section titled “Doctrinal Foundation” in lesson 1, 2, or 3 from chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel (pages 33–44, 50–60, 64–74).
Choose one of the topics in this section that you want to study. Increase your understanding of this topic by (1) reading the subsection and highlighting what you find most important and (2) studying some of the scriptures in the “Scripture Study” box.
Create a simple outline that contains:
A short summary of what you learned.
A related scripture to share.
An invitation you could extend.
Your testimony.
Use your outline to teach a partner about the topic you studied.
Teach two or more truths
What did you learn from the process of preparing and teaching?
What did you study and teach about that meant the most to you? Why?
How do you want to improve as a teacher?
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following, or think of your own.
Teach the truths you prepared and taught today to someone outside of class.
Choose one or more of the lessons in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel to study further.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).