Lesson 5: Study and Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Lesson 5
Study and Teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Preach My Gospel, Chapter 3
The lessons missionaries use to teach the Savior’s gospel are found in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. “The lessons in this chapter contain the essential doctrine, principles, and commandments of the gospel of Jesus Christ” (Preach My Gospel [2023], 25). As learners study and practice teaching from these lessons, they will be better prepared to share the Savior’s gospel with others.
Review and Follow Up
Learning Activity Options
Option A: What do the Lord’s missionaries teach?
Read the first two paragraphs in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel, including the bolded lesson titles, looking for what missionaries are instructed to teach.
Choose one of the lessons from chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel that you would like to study more. Here are some ideas of what you could do:
Read the lesson’s section headings. Then take time to study in greater depth one or more of the sections that interests you the most.
Read the “People May Wonder” box at the beginning of the lesson (lessons 1–3 only). Highlight the questions that you would most like to answer. Search for answers in the “Doctrinal Foundation” section.
Study a few of the summaries in the “Doctrinal Foundation” section. You could also study some of the verses in the “Scripture Study” boxes. Pay attention to what these resources teach you about Jesus Christ and His gospel.
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following, or think of your own.
Create a plan for how you will study doctrine from the lessons in chapter 3 in your personal study.
Choose a summary from one of the “Doctrinal Foundation” sections that you want to study. Study the topic, and create a brief outline of what you learned. Use your outline to teach someone you know.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).
Option B: How can the Lord’s missionaries teach His gospel effectively?
Study the following sections from the introduction to chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel. Look for truths and guidelines that help you understand how missionaries can teach the Savior’s gospel effectively. Consider marking ideas you feel are most important.