Lesson 4: Search the Scriptures and Put on the Armor of God
Lesson 4
Search the Scriptures and Put on the Armor of God
Preach My Gospel, Chapter 2
Studying and applying truths found in the word of God is central to conversion and helping people come to Jesus Christ. Righteous use of technology can enhance our study and help us find answers to our gospel questions. Following safeguards while using technology is an important way to “put on the whole armour of God” (Ephesians 6:11).
Review and Follow Up
Learning Activity Options
Option A: How can I have a more meaningful experience studying the scriptures?
Choose one or two areas from your self-assessment that you want to work on. The following numbered resources correspond to the numbers from the self-assessment. They will take you to relevant resources in chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel.
Based on what you studied, how can you improve your study of the scriptures?
What is a scripture passage or statement from Preach My Gospel that you found especially helpful? Why did you feel it was important?
What is a positive experience you have had studying the scriptures?
Set a goal
My scripture study plan
When will I study?
How long will I study?
Where will I study?
What will I study?
What will I do to improve my experience?
Option B: How can using Gospel Library help me find answers to my questions?
What are some questions you have been asked about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
What are some common sources people use to answer their questions about the Church?
Read “Look for Answers to Questions” in chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel (page 19). Look for counsel that can help us when we have gospel questions.
What stood out to you?
What should be our primary sources in seeking answers to gospel questions? Why?
Someone asks, “Does your church believe that people need grace to be saved?” Go to Guide to the Scriptures, and find the entry on “Grace.” (Gospel Library > Scriptures > Study Helps > Guide to the Scriptures > Grace)
The other day, you heard someone talk about Mother in Heaven, and you now wonder what the Church teaches about her. Go to Topics and Questions, and find the entry “Mother in Heaven.” (Gospel Library > Topics and Questions > Mother in Heaven)
You want some help to better protect yourself against pornography. Go to Life Help. See what you can learn in “Help for Me” under “Pornography,” and review the questions presented. (Gospel Library > Life Help > Pornography > Help for Me)
Your sister asks, “How can I prepare to receive a patriarchal blessing?” Using the search function in Gospel Library, see what you can find.
You want ideas about how you can share the gospel with others. Go to Gospel Library > Sharing the Gospel and look for helpful resources.
Set a goal
Set a goal that relates to what you have studied. Use ideas like the following, or think of your own.
Spend time exploring some of the entries in Guide to the Scriptures or Topics and Questions in Gospel Library.
Invite friends and family members to ask you questions so you can practice finding answers in Gospel Library.
My goal
I will … (action you will take).
I will accomplish my goal by … (a simple plan).
Option C: How can I use technology righteously?
What role do electronic devices like smartphones and computers play in furthering the Lord’s work?
What are some challenges or temptations associated with technology use?
Learn about four safeguards for using technology righteously by studying the following headings in chapter 2 of Preach My Gospel: