Previous Editions

“Report,” My Job Search (2014), 23

“Report,” My Job Search, 23


circling arrows-red

Did I keep my commitments?

Time:Set the timer to 20 minutes for the Report section.

Discuss:Read the quotation on the right. How does this apply to our group?

Practice:Let’s report on our commitments. Those who kept all of their commitments, please stand up. (Clap for those who kept all of their commitments.)

Read:Now, everyone stand up. We should try to keep all of our commitments. That is one of the key habits of self-reliant people.

While we are still standing, let’s say our theme statements together. These statements remind us about the purpose of our group:

Read:Let’s be seated.

Discuss:What did you learn by keeping your commitments? How can we help? Let’s counsel together and help each other with our job search. This is the most important discussion of this meeting!

What did you learn by giving your “me in 30 seconds” to people? Did you improve it? Did you write down your contacts and follow up?

Did anyone try Accelerated Job Search? Any results?
