Previous Editions
Job Search Success Map

“Job Search Success Map,” My Job Search (2014), 163

“Success Map,” My Job Search, 163

Job Search Success Map

Daily: Consecrate your efforts, accelerate your job search, engage your network


How do I find the right job opportunities?

  • Recognize what I have to offer employers.

  • Use my “me in 30 seconds” statement with as many people as possible.

How do I present myself with convincing power?

  • Identify how I achieve results that are important to an employer.

  • Use power statements to show my value to employers.

How do I access the “hidden” job market?

  • Find “hidden” jobs through networking.

  • Use power statements to show my value to my network.

  • Help my network help me.

How do I stand out as the clear choice?

  • Prepare well for each interview.

  • Learn skills to excel in each interview.

  • Learn to complete job applications.

How do I accelerate my job search?

  • Do the Accelerated Job Search every day.

  • Track my job search progress.

How do I excel on the job and continue to succeed?

  • Be proactive and prevent problems in my job.

  • Learn workplace rules and expectations.

  • Provide my employer more value than I cost.

  • Take responsibility for my career.
