Previous Editions

“Commit,” My Job Search (2014), 106–7

“Commit,” My Job Search, 106–7



How do I make daily progress?

Time:Set the timer to 10 minutes for the Commit section.

Practice:Choose your action partner. Decide when and how you will contact each other.

Action partner’s name

Contact information

Read each commitment aloud to your action partner. Promise to keep your commitments! Sign below.


If I don’t have a job yet, I will accelerate my job search.

I will improve my work by taking responsibility for my career.

I will practice today’s My Foundation principle and teach it to my family.

I will add to my savings—even a coin or two.

I will report to my action partner.

My signature

Action partner’s signature

How will I report my progress?

Practice:Before the next meeting, use this commitment chart to record your progress. In the boxes below, write “Yes,” “No.”

Accelerated my job search (Yes/No)

Improved my work (Yes/No)

Practiced Foundation principle and taught it to family (Yes/No)

Added to savings (Yes/No)

Reported to action partner (Yes/No)

Read:In our next meeting, we will do our self-reliance assessments again to see if we are becoming more self-reliant. We will need to bring our My Path to Self-Reliance booklets.

Choose someone to facilitate the My Foundation topic in the next meeting. (Don’t know how to facilitate a My Foundation topic? Read page 13 and the inside front cover.)

Ask someone to offer the closing prayer.

Feedback Welcome

Please send your ideas, feedback, suggestions, and experiences to

Note to Facilitator:

For the next meeting, bring five extra copies of My Path to Self-Reliance.

The rest of the meetings will be somewhat different from the meetings so far. Read the material before the next meeting and be prepared to answer questions.
