Previous Editions

“Learn,” My Job Search (2014), 116–17

“Learn,” My Job Search, 116–17



How can we help each other with job challenges?

Time:Set the timer to 40 minutes for this page only (not the entire Learn section).

Read:Some of us may have jobs and some may still be looking for jobs, but everyone faces challenges with work. Some examples are:

  • I still haven’t found a job.

  • My boss never seems happy with my work.

  • I have a job, but I don’t make enough money.

  • I don’t know how to deal with corruption at my work.

  • I talk to a lot of people, but nobody will hire me.

  • It’s difficult to be honest with my employer.

  • I don’t like my co-workers.

  • I can’t keep a job.

We become more self-reliant as we counsel together and practice overcoming challenges.

Practice:Each member of the group will write his or her biggest job challenge on the board. As a group, choose three of the challenges on the board. Your practice today is to discuss and plan some solutions.

Reviewing past practices, discussions, and videos in this workbook can be helpful. You might also know someone outside the group that could help with a challenge. This person could be invited to help in your next group meeting.

Am I becoming more self-reliant?

Time:Set the timer to 20 minutes for this page only.

Read:Our goal is self-reliance, both temporal and spiritual. Succeeding in our jobs is only part of that goal.

Discuss:What changes have you seen in your life as you have practiced and taught the My Foundation principles?

Practice:Open your My Path to Self-Reliance booklet to a blank self-reliance assessment (in the back). Complete the steps.

When you are done, take three minutes to ponder the following:

Are you now more aware of your expenses? Can you now answer “often” or “always” to more of these questions? Are you more confident in the amount you have set as your self-reliant income? Are you closer to achieving your self-reliant income? What can you do to improve?

My Path to Self-Reliance cover
