“The First Parable: The Lost Sheep,” New Testament Stories (2005), 86–87 “The First Parable: The Lost Sheep,” New Testament Stories, 86–87 The First Parable 1:32The Lost Sheep A good shepherd had 100 sheep. One of them was lost. Luke 15:4 The shepherd left the 99 sheep to look for the lost one. When he found it, he was very happy. Luke 15:4–5 The shepherd carried the sheep home. He called to all his friends and neighbors to come and be happy with him. He had found the lost sheep. Luke 15:5–6 Jesus Christ told the Pharisees what the parable meant. He said that those who sin are like the lost sheep. Luke 15:7 Just as the shepherd wanted to save the lost sheep, Jesus wants to save those who sin. Mark 2:17 Jesus said that was why He was talking with sinners. Matthew 18:11 (see footnote 11c); Mark 2:17 And just as the shepherd was very happy when he found the lost sheep, Jesus is very happy when we repent. Luke 15:6–7