Seminaries and Institutes
The Missions of the Apostle Paul

“The Missions of the Apostle Paul,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual (2002), 296–97

“The Missions of the Apostle Paul,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual, 296–97

The Missions of the Apostle Paul

(Note: Dates are approximate.)




Significant Events

Epistles Written

First missionary journey (A.D. 47–49); Acts 13–14; see Bible map 13

Barnabas, John Mark (see Acts 13:2, 5, 13)

Antioch and Seleucia in Syria; Salamis and Paphos on Isle of Cyprus; Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe in Galatia

Confronted by Elymas, a sorcerer; preached and healed on Sabbath; was persecuted and expelled from Antioch; stoned and thought to be dead; revived and preached again

None known

Jerusalem conference (A.D. 49–50); Acts 15; Galatians 2:1–10

Barnabas, Titus (see Acts 15:2; Galatians 2:3)


Honored by Church leaders as a champion of the Gentiles in the gospel cause

None known

Second missionary journey (A.D. 50–53); Acts 15:36–18:22; see Bible map 13

Silas (see Acts 15:40), Timothy (see Acts 16:1–3), Luke (see Acts 16:10)

Antioch in Syria; Tarsus, Derbe, Iconium, Lystra, and Antioch in Galatia; Troas; Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea in Macedonia; Athens and Corinth in Greece; Ephesus in Lydia; Jerusalem

Directed in vision to teach in Macedonia; cast evil spirit out of damsel in Philippi; beaten and imprisoned with Silas; converted jailor; preached at Mars’ Hill

1 Thessalonians (A.D. 50–51); 2 Thessalonians (A.D. 50–51); both Epistles written from Corinth (see Bible Dictionary, (“Pauline Epistles,” p. 743)

Third missionary journey (A.D. 54–58); Acts 18:23–21:15; see Bible map 13

Timothy, Erastus (see Acts 19:22); Gaius of Macedonia, Aristarchus (see Acts 19:29); Sopater, Secundus, Gaius of Derbe, Tychicus, Trophimus (see Acts 20:4); Luke (see Acts 20:5–6)

Antioch in Syria; Tarsus, Iconium, and Antioch in Galatia; Ephesus, Troas; Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea in Macedonia; Corinth; Miletus, Patara; Tyre, Caesarea, and Jerusalem

Conferred gift of Holy Ghost by laying on of hands; special miracles wrought of God through Paul; confronted worshipers of Diana; raised Eutychus from dead; foretold his own arrest and death

A lost epistle (see 1 Corinthians 5:9); 1 Corinthians (A.D. 55 from Ephesus); 2 Corinthians (A.D. 56 from Macedonia); Galatians (A.D. 56 from Macedonia); Romans (A.D. 57 from Corinth)

Arrest at Jerusalem and imprisonment at Caesarea (A.D. 58–59); Acts 21:16–26:32


Jerusalem and Caesarea

Persecuted, arrested, bound; recounted story of his conversion; was tried before Ananias and Sanhedrin; the Lord appeared to him; brought before Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa; appealed to Caesar

None known

Journey to Rome (A.D. 59–60); Acts 27:1–28:16; see Bible map 13

Aristarchus, Luke (see Acts 27:2)

Caesarea and Sidon; Islands of Crete, Malta, and Sicily; Puteoli to Rome along the Appian Way

Perilous voyage to Rome; comforted by an angel; prophesied of danger; shipwrecked at Malta; bitten by viper but unharmed

None known

First Roman imprisonment (house arrest; A.D. 60–62); Acts 28:16–31

Epaphroditus (see Philippians 4:18), Epaphras (see Philemon 1:23), Timothy (see Philippians 1:1), Tychicus (see Ephesians 6:21), Justus (see Colossians 4:11)


Guarded daily by Roman soldier; preached to many visitors

Philippians; Colossians; Ephesians; Philemon; Hebrews; all written from Rome between A.D. 60–62

Between Roman imprisonments (A.D. 62–65)


Asia, Macedonia, Crete, and perhaps Spain (see Bible Dictionary, (“Paul,” pp. 742–43)

Sent counsel to priesthood leaders in letters

1 Timothy (A.D. 64 from Macedonia); Titus (A.D. 65 from Ephesus)

Second Roman imprisonment (A.D. 65)

Luke (see 2 Timothy 4:11)


Wrote final testimony in 2 Timothy

2 Timothy (A.D. 65 from Rome)
