Seminaries and Institutes
Pacing Your Teaching of the New Testament

“Pacing Your Teaching of the New Testament,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual (2002), 5–6

“Pacing Your Teaching of the New Testament,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual, 5–6

Pacing Your Teaching of the New Testament

There is not enough time in a school year to discuss every verse in the New Testament. The challenge is to pace your teaching. If you move slowly and spend too much time teaching the Gospels, you will miss the messages of the Epistles and the book of Revelation. If you move too fast, your students may not understand and appreciate significant parts of the New Testament. Use this pacing guide to help you decide how much you need to cover each day and week and what chapters to assign your students to read.

Because there are many types of seminary programs throughout the world, it is not possible to organize this manual to fit every situation. You may need to adapt this 36-week guide to your program and the needs of your students. Seminary is taught five days per week, but lesson material is provided for only four days to allow time for interruptions such as school activities and assemblies, special seminary activities and presentations, scripture mastery, and tests and quizzes. You may choose to spend more than one day to teach a scripture block more effectively. This flexibility is to encourage you to seek the direction of the Spirit to meet the specific needs of your students. Note: For help teaching the Gospels as a harmony, see the charts on pages 277–78.

Teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the youth of the Church is a sacred trust and a joyous duty. May the Lord bless you and your students as you study the ministry of Jesus Christ and His Apostles in the New Testament this year.

Pacing Guide for a 36-Week School Year


Suggested Scripture Block to Be Taught


Day 1: “An Introduction to the New Testament” and “Scripture Study Helps”

Days 2–3: “Plan of Salvation Overview”

Day 4: “The Time between the Old and New Testaments”


Day 1: Matthew 1–2

Day 2: Matthew 3

Day 3: Matthew 4

Day 4: Matthew 5


Days 1–2: Matthew 5–7(continued)

Day 3: Matthew 8–9

Day 4: Matthew 10


Day 1: Matthew 11–12

Day 2: Matthew 13

Day 3: Matthew 14–15

Day 4: Matthew 16


Day 1: Matthew 17

Day 2: Matthew 18

Day 3: Matthew 19–20

Day 4: Matthew 21–23


Day 1: Matthew 24

Day 2: Matthew 25

Days 3–4: Matthew 26


Day 1: Matthew 27

Day 2: Matthew 28

Day 3: Mark 1

Day 4: Mark 2–3


Day 1: Mark 4–5

Day 2: Mark 6

Day 3: Mark 7–8

Day 4: Mark 9–10


Days 1–2: Mark 11–13

Days 3–4: Mark 14–16


Day 1: Luke 1

Day 2: Luke 2–3

Day 3: Luke 4

Day 4: Luke 5–6


Days 1–2: Luke 7

Day 3: Luke 8

Day 4: Luke 9


Day 1: Luke 10

Day 2: Luke 11–13

Day 3: Luke 14

Day 4: Luke 15


Day 1: Luke 16

Day 2: Luke 17–18

Day 3: Luke 19

Day 4: Luke 20–21


Days 1–2: Luke 22

Day 3: Luke 23

Day 4: Luke 24


Day 1: John 1

Day 2: John 2

Day 3: John 3

Day 4: John 4–5


Days 1–2: John 6

Day 3: John 7

Day 4: John 8


Day 1: John 9

Day 2: John 10

Day 3: John 11

Day 4: John 12


Day 1: John 13

Day 2: John 14

Day 3: John 15

Day 4: John 16–17


Day 1: John 18

Day 2: John 19

Day 3: John 20

Day 4: John 21


Day 1: Acts 1

Day 2: Acts 2

Day 3: Acts 3

Day 4: Acts 4–5


Day 1: Acts 6–7

Day 2: Acts 8–9

Day 3: Acts 10

Day 4: Acts 11–12


Day 1: Acts 13–14

Day 2: Acts 15

Day 3: Acts 16–18

Day 4: Acts 19–20


Day 1: Acts 21

Day 2: Acts 22–23

Day 3: Acts 24–26

Day 4: Acts 27–28


Day 1: Romans 1–3

Day 2: Romans 4–5

Day 3: Romans 6

Day 4: Romans 7–8


Day 1: Romans 9–10

Day 2: Romans 11

Day 3: Romans 12

Day 4: Romans 13–16


Day 1: 1 Corinthians 1–4

Day 2: 1 Corinthians 5–7

Day 3: 1 Corinthians 8–11

Day 4: 1 Corinthians 12–14


Day 1: 1 Corinthians 15–16

Day 2: 2 Corinthians 1–3

Day 3: 2 Corinthians 4–7

Day 4: 2 Corinthians 8–13


Day 1: Galatians 1–2

Day 2: Galatians 3–6

Day 3: Ephesians 1–3

Day 4: Ephesians 4–6


Day 1: Philippians 1–4

Day 2: Colossians 1–4

Day 3: 1 Thessalonians 1–5

Day 4: 2 Thessalonians 1–3


Day 1: 1 Timothy 1–6

Day 2: 2 Timothy 1–4

Day 3: Titus 1–3

Day 4: Philemon


Day 1: Hebrews 1–2

Day 2: Hebrews 3–6

Day 3: Hebrews 7–10

Day 4: Hebrews 11–13


Day 1: James 1–2

Day 2: James 3–5

Day 3: 1 Peter 1–2

Day 4: 1 Peter 3–5


Day 1: 2 Peter 1–3

Day 2: 1 John 1–5

Day 3: 2 John; 3 John

Day 4: Jude


Day 1: Revelation 1

Day 2: Revelation 2–3

Day 3: Revelation 4–5

Day 4: Revelation 6–7


Day 1: Revelation 8–9

Day 2: Revelation 10–11

Day 3: Revelation 12–14

Day 4: Revelation 15–16


Day 1: Revelation 17–19

Day 2: Revelation 20–22

Day 3: Teacher choice

Day 4: Testimony and farewell to students
