Seminaries and Institutes
The Seven Trumps of the Seveth Seal

“The Seven Trumps of the Seveth Seal,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual (2002), 298–99

“The Seven Trumps of the Seveth Seal,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual, 298–99

The Seven Trumps of the Seventh Seal

  1. What happened as a result of the hail and fire that came when the first angel sounded his trump? (see Revelation 8:7).

  2. What three things were changed by a third when the next angel sounded? (see Revelation 8:8–9).

  3. After the third angel sounded, a star fell (see Revelation 8:10–11).

    1. What was the name of the star?

    2. What did the star cause to happen?

  4. Following the sounding of the fourth trumpet, what three things were darkened? (see Revelation 8:12).

  5. What arose out of the bottomless pit when the fifth angel opened it? (see Revelation 9:1–3).

  6. What might John have been describing in Revelation 9:7–10?

  7. How many soldiers were involved in this great battle John saw after the sixth trumpet had sounded? (see Revelation 9:16).

  8. What portion of mankind will be killed in this battle? (see Revelation 9:18).

  9. Who are the two witnesses referred to in Revelation 11:3? (see D&C 77:15).

  10. How long will these two prophets preach in Jerusalem? (see Revelation 11:2–3). Circle all the correct answers.

    1. About 3½ years

    2. 1,260 days

    3. 42 months

  11. What miraculous thing will happen to these two prophets following their ministry? (see Revelation 11:7–12).

  12. True or false. Just before the seventh angel will sound his trumpet, a great tornado will strike all the earth (see Revelation 11:13–14).

  13. At some time following the sounding of the seventh trumpet, whose will the kingdoms of this world have become? (see Revelation 11:15).

  1. Before the kingdoms of the earth become the kingdoms of Jesus Christ, which two of the following will occur? (see Revelation 11:19).

    1. A hurricane

    2. A hailstorm

    3. A flood

    4. An earthquake
