Seminaries and Institutes
2 John 1

“2 John 1,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual (2002), 243

“2 John 1,” New Testament Teacher Resource Manual, 243

2 John 1


Elder Bruce R. McConkie believed that 2 and 3 John may have been personal letters written to members of John’s immediate family (see Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 3:409). These letters provide a view of John as one who was concerned with the Church membership as a whole but who also had personal concerns for individual members.

Prayerfully study 2 John 1and consider the following principles before preparing your lessons.

Some Important Gospel Principles to Look For

Additional Resources

  • The Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles, 434–37, 439.

Suggestions for Teaching

Use the following idea or one or more of your own as you prepare to teach 2 John 1.

2 John 1:1, 4; 3 John 1:4. We can bring happiness to others when we live the gospel.

(15–20 minutes)

Prior to class ask parents, friends, or Church leaders who know your students to write a brief paragraph commenting on how they feel when the student they know chooses to keep the commandments. If possible, obtain a paragraph for every student. Keep these notes a secret from your students. (Another option would be to have the students write about an assigned peer who has kept the commandments.) Before class, write the following three questions on the board: Who was faithful? Who was affected by that faithfulness? How did that faithfulness affect others? Ask:

  • How does keeping the commandments bring us happiness?

  • What are some examples?

  • How does your obedience touch the lives of those you know?

Have students read 2 John 1:1, 4and 3 John 1:4. Ask:

  • How did John feel about his “children”?

  • What did they do to bring him such joy?

Invite a student to read aloud one of the following scriptures:

Have that student call on another student to answer the questions on the board for that scripture. Have another student read the second scripture and call on yet another student to answer the questions for that scripture. Continue until you have studied all the references. Ask students to share observations about how faithfulness blesses others. Invite them to suggest other scriptural examples or real life examples with which they are familiar.

Testify that obedience to the gospel not only brings happiness to our lives but also blesses those around us. Conclude by sharing the letters you gathered about your students. Urge them to ponder and remember the joy their good choices bring to others.
