For Young Readers
Jonah and the Whale

“Jonah and the Whale,” Old Testament Stories for Young Readers, 2018

“Jonah and the Whale”

Old Testament Stories for Young Readers

Jonah and the Whale

From Jonah 1–4

Jonah on a boat

God told Jonah to go on a mission. He was supposed to go to a city called Nineveh and tell the people to repent. But Jonah didn’t want to go there. He got on a ship going to a different city.

boat in a storm

A huge storm came. The sailors were afraid their ship would sink!

Jonah in the ocean

Jonah knew God had sent the storm because Jonah ran away. Jonah told the sailors to throw him overboard so the storm would stop.

Jonah and a whale

God sent a whale to save Jonah. He was in the whale’s belly for three days. Jonah prayed. He decided to repent and follow God. God told the whale to spit Jonah out on dry land.

Jonah teaching people

Jonah went to Nineveh. He taught the people there. And the people of Nineveh listened! They started following God again.

young boy looking at rainbow

When I make a wrong choice, I can repent and try again. God loved Jonah, and God loves me!
