For Young Readers
Daniel and the Lions

“Daniel and the Lions,” Old Testament Stories for Young Readers, 2018

“Daniel and the Lions”

Old Testament Stories for Young Readers

Daniel and the Lions

From Daniel 6

men talking

Daniel was the king’s helper. The king liked Daniel because he was a good person. The other leaders were jealous! They made a plan to hurt Daniel.

man praying

They tricked the king into making a new law that whoever prayed to God would be thrown into a den of lions. They knew Daniel believed in God and would pray no matter what. When they saw Daniel praying, they told the king.

king looking sad

The king was sad he had been tricked. But the law could not be changed.

Daniel in the Lion’s den

The king put Daniel into a den of lions. He covered the door with a heavy stone. What was going to happen to Daniel?

Daniel in the Lion’s den

God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions! In the morning, the king took Daniel out of the den. He was happy that Daniel was safe. He told all the kingdom that God had saved Daniel.

young girl praying

I can be like Daniel by praying and trusting Heavenly Father!

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children playing Daniel and lions

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Illustration by Apryl Stott
