“Finding Customers,” Starting and Growing My Business for Self-Reliance (2017)
“Finding Customers”
Maximum Time: 65 Minutes
1. The Importance of Customers
2. Who Is My Customer?
3. Defining My Business Message
4. Determining the Best Sales Channels for My Business
It’s important to find the most effective ways to reach your customers. Many business owners use multiple physical and e-commerce channels to sell to and communicate with their customers. However, it’s best for new business owners to focus on developing no more than one physical channel and one e-commerce channel. Additional channels can be added when the business starts to grow. Common sales channels include those listed below.
Physical Sales Channels
Direct sales: You or your salesperson sells directly to customers through personal contact.
Distributor or wholesaler: You sell to a distributor or wholesaler, who buys your product in bulk and then sells it to other retail businesses.
Retailer: You sell to retail businesses, and they sell to customers.
E-Commerce Sales Channels
Website: Sales transactions occur on your own website.
Online store: Sales transactions occur on an online store’s website, not on your own website.
Mobile app: Sales transactions occur through a mobile app.
5. Attracting Customers … with What?
Your business will not automatically attract customers. You need to offer things they care about and that they believe will benefit them. Make sure your business message is tied to things that your potential customers want. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes and ask, “Am I interested in purchasing the services or products that this business offers? Why or why not?”
Smart business owners are creative in getting the attention of their customers. Some ways to get customers’ attention are listed below.
Providing Information icon
Providing information and insights through videos, blogs, newsletters, articles, and trade shows.
Aligning icon
Aligning with customers’ interests and social causes, such as by sponsoring events.
Allowing icon
Allowing the customer to experience the service or product at little or not cost, such as by offering samples or coupons.
Confidence icon
Instilling confidence in the company’s reputation and the quality of its service or products through customer reviews, industry awards, or other quality assurances.
Providing convenience icon
Providing convenience and time savings by making your business easy to find and work with (for example, search engine optimization can help make your business easy to find online).
Partnering icon
Partnering creatively with a popular, noncompeting business that serves the same customer group.
6. Measuring the Success of Communications with Customers
It’s important to measure whether your communications are attracting the interest of customers, contributing to more sales, and increasing profit. To do this, you need to measure:
A specific way you are communicating with your customers.
What the business result is.
Review the following examples.
Measuring the success of communications with customers
Being busy isn’t the same thing as being successful. If your communications aren’t producing results, then they aren’t a good use of your time. This is why it’s important that you always measure your results.