undefined undefined 4: My Foundation
Self-Reliance Resources
4: My Foundation

“Finding Customers: My Foundation: Repent and Be Obedient,” Starting and Growing My Business for Self-Reliance (2017)

“Finding Customers: My Foundation”

My Foundation: Repent and Be Obedient

Maximum Time: 20 Minutes


How are repentance and obedience connected to self-reliance?


“Obedience Brings Blessings,” available at srs.lds.org/videos. (No video? Read the script at the end of this section.)


Obedience Brings Blessings


What blessings have you received by obeying God’s laws? How does repentance help us progress?


Doctrine and Covenants 130:20–21 and the quote by the Prophet Joseph Smith.


Read Joshua 3:5 and the quotes by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and President Spencer W. Kimball. Why do we need to repent, sanctify ourselves, and try to do good as we seek to become self-reliant?


Commit to do the following actions during the week.

  • Obey the laws or principles you chose in the activity above.

  • Share what you’ve learned today about obedience with your family or friends.