Getting the Message
September 2006

“Getting the Message,” New Era, Sept. 2006, 42–43

Getting the Message

One day I was complaining to my mom about how boring sacrament meeting was. I felt that it was just for adults and that it didn’t help me at all.

My mom told me it was boring because I wasn’t really trying to learn. She said that if I would pray before sacrament meeting to understand the talks and then really try to listen, I would hear the answers to questions I had. She also said the Spirit could help me understand the message in a way that would make the talk just for me.

I wasn’t really sure if that would happen, but I decided to give it a try the next Sunday. When I got up Sunday morning I prayed to learn something in sacrament meeting. Then right before sacrament meeting began, I prayed about it again. During the talks I tried really hard to listen and understand, instead of thinking my own thoughts as I usually did.

I couldn’t believe it! The first talk was about receiving personal direction from the speakers in sacrament meeting. As the meeting went on, I felt like every speaker was saying exactly what I needed to hear, and I felt the Spirit telling me that the things I heard were true.

Now I look forward to sacrament meeting because I know I will always learn something if I go with the right attitude.

Illustration by Sam Lawlor
