What’s in It for You
September 2006

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Sept. 2006, 47

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activity Idea

  • Organize a physical fitness evening. Under the direction of your youth leaders, invite someone in your ward or stake who knows about fitness and exercise to lead an exercise class. Or follow along with an exercise video. Be sure to encourage everyone to wear modest exercise clothes.

  • Suggest that your Mutual spend an evening preparing answers for the New Era. Check in the present and previous month’s issues, and copy the question at the end of each Q&A. Have everyone write a response to either or both questions. Then arrange to have someone take each person’s photo. Be sure to identify each photo clearly. And then send the responses and photos (including a parent’s written permission to print the photo for each person under 18) to New Era, 50 East North Temple St., Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220.

Personal Progress or Duty to God

  • After reading “Uncle Birl’s Letter” on page 8, make an appointment to visit your grandparents or great aunts and uncles. Ask them to tell you some of your family stories. If possible, record them while you talk. Even if you have heard the stories before, different people remember different details. If your relatives are not nearby, write or e-mail them like Sarah did.

Family Home Evening Idea

  • Hand out individual slips of paper and pencils. Ask each family member to write something they like about every other family member. Gather and sort the slips of paper. Then have someone read the positive comments about each person.

Sunday Lesson Helps

In addition to the Resource Guides (printed in May and November in the Ensign), Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood teachers may find these additional resources helpful in enhancing lessons 40–43.

Young Women Manual 1

Lesson 40: Health Care in the Home

President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Forget Yourself and Serve,” New Era, July 2006, 2.

Kelly M. Smurthwaite, “Unexpected Hero,” New Era, May 2006, 36.

Lesson 41: The Ability to Succeed

Catherine Matthews Pavia, “How I Learned to Be Happy,” this issue, 11.

“Idea List: Including Everyone,” New Era, Jan. 2006, 37.

Lesson 42: Courage to Try

Thomas S. Monson, “Courage Counts,” New Era, this issue, 2.

Cara Smith Webber, “What I Learned as a Corn Dog,” New Era, July 2006, 24.

Lesson 43: Righteous Living

“Charting the Plan,” New Era, July 2006, 33.

Clate W. Mask Jr., “Spotless before the Lord,” New Era, July 2006, 42.

“The Girl in the Mirror,” New Era, Aug. 2005, 12.

Aaronic Priesthood Manual 1

Lesson 40: The House of the Lord

Shanna Butler, “How to Talk about the Temple,” New Era, Jan. 2006, 44.

“Idea List: Temple Blessings Now and Later,” New Era, Oct. 2005, 15.

Lesson 41: Sexual Purity

Robert D. Hales, “Preparing for a Heavenly Marriage,” New Era, Feb. 2006, 2.

“Who’s It Hurting?” New Era, Jan. 2006, 34.

“To the Point: Kissing,” New Era, May 2006, 35.

Lesson 42: Honesty

Sherilyn Farnes, “Do You Want to Copy My Homework?” New Era, July 2006, 6.

David A. Bednar, “Be Honest,” New Era, Oct. 2005, 4.

Lesson 43: Tools for Searching the Scriptures

Andrea Cartwright, “Creative Scripture Study,” New Era, May 2006, 15.

David A. Bednar, “Because We Have Them before Our Eyes,” New Era, Apr. 2006, 2.
