“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Sept. 2006, 48
We’ve Got Mail
Like Personal Revelation
Every month I love getting the New Era. I read it that night, and then the rest of the month I can’t wait to get the next month’s issue. It’s like I’m addicted to it (in a good way). I love how, when I am having a major problem, the New Era cover story gives me the answer. It’s like my own revelation. Thanks for producing such a wonderful magazine that helps me live a clean life. It helps me remember who I am and what I am doing here. It helps me get through the day because I remember what I read and try to put it into my daily life.
Ashley M., Utah
Last year when I read the section “Gaming Guru” (Aug. 2005), it inspired me to stop playing four, yes, four, video games. I realized that the games were not worthy for me to play. Every so often I would say to myself, “Would Jesus play this?” I’m so thankful that I had those promptings and that article to help me. I absolutely love this magazine. I even threw away a couple of songs after reading “Pop Quiz” in the June 2006 New Era.
Zachary K., California
Anorexia Secret
I really noticed an increase in the Spirit as I have read this magazine. It is truly full of inspired writings and writers. The experiences shared here have led my life in different directions. Lately, the stories have really related to me. I want to thank you for the article “My Battle with Anorexia” (Apr. 2006). I had kept my eating disorder secret for a long time and this article helped me realize that what I was doing did not coincide with the gospel and hurt me spiritually, though I would have never admitted it. This article helped me realize the pain my disorder caused those around me and helped provide strength and courage to admit that what I was doing was wrong. Thank you to the author and to the New Era staff for printing this article. It provided a lot of hope and knowledge.
Edward K., Utah
It Happened in May
I was disappointed in the “It Happened in May” section of the May 2006 issue. A very, very significant and important date in the history of the Restoration was left out. During the translation of the golden plates, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery inquired of the Lord respecting baptism for the remission of sins. In answer to that prayer, John the Baptist came and conferred the Aaronic Priesthood on them. That was May 15, 1829. Please remind your readers of this very important day.
Douglas B., Texas
Editor’s note: To accommodate needs of international readers who receive the conference issue of the Liahona magazine in May, material about the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood was published in April this year. In the future, material about the Aaronic Priesthood will be included in both the April and May issues of the New Era.
Illustrated by Bill Mayer