We’ve Got Mail
August 2008

“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Aug. 2008, 48

We’ve Got Mail

Thanks for the Back Page

I want to thank you for publishing the poems and photographs on the inside back cover of the New Era each month. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find uplifting poetry and photography in the media. I look forward to the new poem and photograph each month.

Todd A., Georgia

Thank you for the inspirational poem at the end of the March 2008 issue. It helps us to draw courage to do the Lord’s work. I believe it will help my friend who is preparing for a mission.

Bernadette H., location not given

Good Counsel

Thank you so much for “Preparing to Receive the Ordinances of the Temple” (Apr. 2008). I have recently been fasting and praying for a desire to read the scriptures. As I read the New Era, I found some good counsel in this article. I love going to the temple, and I want to always be able to go. This article gave me an answer to my fasting and prayer.

Delaney D., Utah

Our Real Selves

I’m so glad the New Era talks about self-confidence and your inner self, unlike some other magazines that talk about how you can change yourself to become more like the world. Thank you for helping teenage girls like me to see that we are special when we are our real selves.

Makenzie P., Utah

A Powerful Relation

I love to read the New Era. I love all the new stories and experiences that come in each new magazine. Whenever I have a problem, I can open the scriptures or the New Era and find a solution, like the article “I Am Important” in the April 2008 issue. Thank you so much for letting me and many other youth in the world have the opportunity to read such a powerful and inspiring magazine.

Meissa H., Nebraska

Skaters’ Rule

I really liked the article “Skaters’ Rule” in the January 2008 New Era. It just goes to show that even the little things, such as following the Word of Wisdom, can help in avoiding big problems. If we dress modestly and stay away from drugs and alcohol, it will be easier to withstand Satan’s temptations. Another example is if we read the scriptures and say our prayers regularly, we can feel closer to the Savior.

Riley L., location not given

We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).

New Era

We’ve Got Mail

50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420

Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA

Or e-mail us at newera@ldschurch.org

Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.

Illustrated by Scott Greer
