What’s in It for You
August 2008

“What’s in It for You,” New Era, Aug. 2008, 47

What’s in It for You

Mutual Activity Idea

• Organize a game night. Bring several board games and other games that can include a larger number of participants. Have someone who is skilled teach others how to play chess or checkers. Gather enough boards to have plenty of playing space for everyone interested. Most of all, talk about being a good sport and enjoying the fun of playing games no matter who wins or loses.

Personal Progress or Duty to God

• Create a plan for studying some aspect of the scriptures that interests you. For example, learn all you can about the women of the Old Testatment. Select some of the missionaries in the Book of Mormon and learn about their missions. Read the verses describing the Crucifixion and Resurrection in all four Gospels of the New Testament.

Family Home Evening Idea

• Have your parents, immediate relatives, or grandparents tell something about their patriarchal blessings. Learn about what it takes to prepare to have your blessing.

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