Come, Follow Me
January 2014

“Come, Follow Me,” New Era, Jan. 2014, 40

Come, Follow Me

You Never Walk Alone

card about Heavenly Father

Background texture by iStockphoto/Thinkstock

When preparing for this month’s Sunday lessons on the Godhead, you’ll find great resources for your study in general conference. For example, President Thomas S. Monson taught about God’s love in “We Never Walk Alone.”

He taught that “there will be times when you will walk a path strewn with thorns and marked by struggle. There may be times when you feel detached—even isolated—from the Giver of every good gift.” For these times, he reminded us that “we were not placed on this earth to walk alone. … He will be there for us to provide help if we but ask.” President Monson shared two ways to find comfort: “As we remember prayer and take time to turn to the scriptures, our lives will be infinitely more blessed and our burdens will be made lighter.”

He also shared a remarkable story of a woman who discovered how personally Heavenly Father knows her and wants to help her. Read the story and President Monson’s full address at lds.org/go/walkNE1.

Our Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes. … It is simply always there.

President Thomas S. Monson, September 2013 general Relief Society meeting

You Can Feel Christ’s Love

card about Jesus Christ

Just as God’s love is constant and He is always near us, He wants us to strive to always draw near to Him. Elder Terence M. Vinson of the Seventy reminded us that we can come closer to Him by aligning our will to His. He said of God’s love, “I can return that love in my own imperfect way by giving Him my heart.”

Elder Vinson also shared the closeness of the Lord to us: “I believe that if we could have the privilege of walking physically with the Savior, that we would feel His arm draped over our shoulder. … His message [to] ‘come and see’ (John 1:39) … is personal, inviting, and embracing in its invitation to walk with His arm around our shoulders.”

Read more from Elder Vinson’s address at lds.org/go/closerNE1. Learn more about the Godhead on page 22 of this issue.

Our Savior wants us to really love Him to the point that we want to align our will with His. We can then feel His love and know His glory. Then He can bless us as He wants to.

Elder Terence M. Vinson of the Seventy, October 2013 general conference
