What a Message from Heaven Taught Me about Mothering in an Uncertain World
March 2022

For Mothers of Young Children

What a Message from Heaven Taught Me about Mothering in an Uncertain World

An unexpected message reminded me how much Heavenly Father cares about our concerns as mothers over raising our children.

mother and son outdoors

Photograph posed by models

On a beautiful sunny day in July of 2020, I ventured outside for a morning run that I will always remember. I ended my six miles zigzagging through the parking lot of the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple, listening to Alma chapters 31 and 32.

I was feeling discouraged because of all the struggles and fear I was seeing in the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Emotions were high, and I could feel my heart breaking for those suffering both physically and spiritually. I was desperately in need of spiritual strength.

After listening to the account of the apostate Zoramites again, I felt my heart sink into despair. I felt frustrated at having to raise my children during a time of so much uncertainty. I wondered, How can I help my boys stay on the covenant path? I was searching for answers and praying for direction as to what I could do to help my boys have the desire to stay faithful to what I was teaching them.

I decided to call my mother-in-law to finish a conversation we had been having about this topic. I asked her to share her thoughts about the parallels between these chapters in the Book of Mormon and what we were experiencing in the world. She reminded me of the spiritual power that always comes when we simply remember Christ and stay close to the Holy Ghost.

She suggested to me that the best thing I could do for my sons was to help them remember that they are children of a loving Heavenly Father and that He cares for them individually. She also said: “Do all you can to help your boys remember that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. If they know that, they will be able to face anything that comes their way.”

An Unexpected Message

As we hung up, I knew she was right. I stopped running for a few minutes to enjoy the temple, and then I prayed to know what to do next.

Just as I finished my prayer, my phone lit up: “Message received.” A full-time missionary from my ward serving far away in England had sent me a message. He and his companion had received permission to reach out to anyone whom the Spirit directed them to contact with a spiritual message.

I had first met this missionary, whose first name is Davis, when my husband, Ryan, was his home teacher. We knew as soon as we met him that we wanted to name our first son Davis. Davis is also Ryan’s middle name and his mom’s maiden name. We had never heard it as a first name until we met this young man, and we both instantly knew that Davis would be the name of our first son. So it was very special to me to receive a message from him that day.

In that very moment, the very instant that I was praying to the Lord for help, one of His servants sent me a message. And not just any missionary—one I knew well and respected and loved. It was truly an answer to my sincere prayer as a mother.

How cool was that?

He asked me if he and his companion could share a message about Jesus Christ with my family. I responded and told him that I had just been wrestling with how I could teach my children to be faithful and valiant in a world with increasing turmoil and wickedness. I sent back, “Of course, we’d love to hear your message!”

A Reminder to Remember

I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I rushed home to tell my boys that we were going to have a lesson with the missionaries. They were elated! They ran straight to our “Zoom couch” to listen to the missionaries’ message of faith and hope.

The elders shared a beautiful message with our family. They taught us about five separate times in the Book of Mormon where we are taught, “Remember, remember,” and they read through each scripture to remind us of the five things we need to do to “Remember, remember”:

  1. Remember that we are free to choose (see Helaman 14:30).

  2. Remember to keep the commandments to prosper in the land (see Alma 37:13).

  3. Remember to endure to the end to have never-ending happiness (see Mosiah 2:41).

  4. Remember to build our foundation on Christ to be protected (see Helaman 5:12).

  5. Remember “there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, who shall come; yea, remember that he cometh to redeem the world” (Helaman 5:9).

What were the chances? I had just read Alma 31, where the Zoramites rehearsed that “there shall be no Christ” (verse 16). I had been feeling so discouraged and was praying for help and strength to teach my sons. My mother-in-law had just testified to me that I needed to teach my boys to remember Jesus Christ, and God sent me His message that there is a Christ.

It might seem like a small coincidence, but for me, this message was a gigantic miracle! It was not sent by chance. And it was a powerful testament to me that my Heavenly Father and my Savior know and love me and will help me know how to be a good and faithful mom!

God Will Guide Us as Mothers

As mothers in Zion, we are never alone. I testify that God is watching over us. He will lead and guide us no matter how dark the world may become. He loves us because we are His children and we are parenting His children. He will inspire us to know how to teach the children that He has entrusted to our care to always remember Him and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
