Following a Prompting to Serve Brought Me an Unexpected Blessing
March 2022

Digital Only: Young Adults

Following a Prompting to Serve Brought Me an Unexpected Blessing

Serving on the Lord’s errand brought me the peace and joy I was looking for and taught me that sometimes God answers prayers in unexpected ways.

crispy rice treat drizzled with chocolate

From the moment my feet hit the floor that morning, I could tell something was off.

Do you ever have one of those days—almost like a beat-yourself-up kind of day? I spent that entire morning criticizing myself for every single decision I had made.

As the morning progressed, I couldn’t seem to shake my feelings of inadequacy and failure. So I prayed to my loving Heavenly Father, begging for a change in attitude, the strength to get through the day, and opportunities to serve.

Afterward, the morning started to pick up pace. Before I knew it, I had completed almost all my duties for the day and was standing in my kitchen, preparing a yummy treat to give to my bosses for “Boss Day.” As I poured melted chocolate over rice cereal, an interesting thought came to my mind:

“You should give Sister Jones (name has been changed) some of your treat!”

I immediately pushed that thought aside. I counted off the people I had already dedicated a treat bag to and determined there wasn’t enough.

An Extra Treat

“I’ll send her a text and ask her how she’s doing,” I thought. “At least then she will know I was thinking of her!”

Well, as He often does, the Lord wanted me to do something I didn’t necessarily want to do. I finished making my treat and divided it evenly into just enough bags for the people on my list. As I arranged the treats, something made me pause. I counted and recounted the number of treats and was taken aback by what I found.

Somehow I had ended up with one extra bag. I smiled, knowing exactly who that treat bag was for.

But as I looked at my schedule for the rest of the day, I realized I just didn’t have time to deliver the treat.

“It will still be good tomorrow, or even the next day!” I thought. But suddenly, I felt this unexplainable urgency come over me. I knew I needed to go and deliver that treat, right then and there. So even though my hair was a mess, the meat for lunch still wasn’t defrosted, and this sister lived in a different town, I found myself looking up her address.

On the Lord’s Errand

You know what is amazing? When you are on the Lord’s errand, you can truly feel His hand helping you. My hair never looked so good in so short a time, I was able to make a different meal for lunch, and it just so happened that my dad had filled up my car with gas a few days earlier. The Lord helped prepare the way for me to serve this sister.

But even with all that, as I headed down the highway, I thought of all the reasons this was the wrong idea. What if Sister Jones wasn’t home? What if she was home? What if she didn’t like chocolate? What if she caught me trying to covertly sneak it into her mailbox? What if an animal got it? Endless scenarios came charging through my mind, and honestly the only reason I stuck to the plan was because I was already over halfway there.

I finally pulled up to her house and mustered all my courage to go knock on her door. When there was no answer, I stuck the treat inside her doorway and raced back to my car.

Immediately, an overwhelming sensation of peace and happiness enveloped me. I felt so good! It was such a stark contrast to the dark mood I had woken up in, and I felt joy as the rest of the day sped by.

Small Acts Bring Bigger Blessings

If you would have told me that adding a 30-minute trip into my crazy schedule would turn out to be a blessing, I would have laughed. However, that is exactly what it turned out to be.

Heavenly Father answered my humble prayer in a way I did not expect. He knew I needed an opportunity to serve so I could gain some perspective by putting someone else first. Honestly, I don’t think Sister Jones needed the treat; I, however, needed to give it to her. I cannot tell you how much peace came from that one simple act.

As Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught: “As we intentionally strive to incorporate a compassionate attitude into our way of life, as exemplified by the Savior, we will become more sensitive to people’s needs. With that increased sensitivity, feelings of genuine interest and love will permeate our every action. The Lord will recognize our efforts, and we will surely be blessed with opportunities to be instruments in His hands.”1

I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of my Heavenly Father and my Savior. How blessed we are to know that even in seemingly smaller trials, They will hear our cries and help us in a perfect way—and that may include guiding us to serve someone else. They are aware of each of us and know exactly how to get us through difficult times. Their guidance and advice may not always be what we expect, but it is always what we need.

And to think I learned all that because I “coincidentally” made an extra treat!
