“The Answers to All of Your Problems Are in This Book”
June 2023

Digital Only

“The Answers to All of Your Problems Are in This Book”

The author lives in Canada.

I had been drifting from the Lord’s Church. One sentence from my brother started to change everything.

scriptures lying open next to a picture of Christ

I grew up in the Church in a loving home. Yet as I entered my teenage years, I started to drift away from the gospel. I still went to church nearly every Sunday. I believed what was being taught, but I just wasn’t committed enough to live the gospel.

When my older brother came home from his mission, he could see that I wasn’t going in the direction I should be. He came into my room one night and tried to talk with me. But I really wasn’t that interested. Finally he said, “All of the answers to all of your problems are in this book,” and he put a Book of Mormon on my bed. Then he left. After a few minutes, I said to myself in a mocking voice, “All of the answers to all of your problems are in this book.”

“OK,” I thought, “let’s see.”

I opened the Book of Mormon and the first verse I saw was Alma 29:13, which says, “Yea, and that same God did establish his church among them; yea, and that same God hath called me by a holy calling, to preach the word unto this people, and hath given me much success, in the which my joy is full.” I felt similar to Joseph Smith when he said, “Never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine” (Joseph Smith—History 1:12).

The Spirit was very strong, and I knew that I had been directed by the Lord. I immediately looked for a red pencil, fearing that I might lose this scripture and never find it again. I reviewed it again, trying to understand what it meant for me. I came to understand that I should go on a mission, that I would be successful, and that I would be happy doing it.

Fearing perhaps that I might change my mind or doubt the prompting, I jumped in my car and went to my dad’s pizza shop to ask for his support, which he immediately gave. I then went to my bishop’s house and asked him what I had to do to go on a mission. Before long, I received a call to serve in the Philippines Manila Mission. As it turned out, I was happy and successful.

Since that time, my life has never been the same. I’m not sure where I would be or what I would be doing if my brother hadn’t come into my room that night, but I’m sure my life was going in the wrong direction. The Book of Mormon really did save my life. I know that the Lord is aware of us and wants to help us if we will put forth effort and show we are interested in Him.
