My Little Rays of Heavenly Light
May 2024

My Little Rays of Heavenly Light

A message about pillars and rays at general conference helped me recommit to treasuring and recognizing Christ’s light in my life.

a suncatcher reflecting rays of light

My grandparents have a suncatcher hanging in the window above their back door. Like the name implies, this small heart-shaped glass “catches” sunlight as it floods through the window, and then it scatters little rays of light all throughout the room.

I always marvel at the glimmering slivers of light—they immediately pique my interest and fill me with joy (it really is the simple things in life for me!).

These dancing rays of light came to my mind during general conference when Elder Alexander Dushku of the Seventy spoke about testimonies, Jesus Christ, and divine rays of light.

The Importance of Light

What’s the big deal with light anyway?

My immediate answer would be that light is vital because it’s renewing, comforting, warming, and beautiful! But looking at this through a spiritual lens helps me realize that, yes, light is still all those things—but it’s also so much more.

Elder Dushku reminded me of the true importance of light. He said, “The scriptures teach that Jesus Christ ‘is the light and … life of the world’ [Mosiah 16:9], that His ‘Spirit giveth light to every man [and woman] that cometh into the world’ [Doctrine and Covenants 84:46], and that His light ‘fill[s] the immensity of space,’ giving ‘life to all things’ [Doctrine and Covenants 88:12–13].”1

Light is important because it symbolizes our Savior Jesus Christ. No matter how dark life may feel, Christ’s light can be a beacon for us. It can rescue our souls and illuminate our way, helping us find refuge, hope, and joy.

Light can also help us come to our own understanding (see 2 Nephi 31:3) of eternal gospel truths, which allows us to develop and strengthen our testimonies.

The Composition of My Testimony

I have a very real and deep testimony of my Savior and His gospel. It’s founded on my understanding of my divine worth as a daughter of Heavenly Father.

After hearing Elder Dushku speak about how divine rays of light can accumulate together to form our testimonies, I realized that my own testimony is a composition of the many rays of heavenly light I’ve felt all throughout my life—a solid foundation of truth formed from small (yet very sweet) spiritual moments that have built one upon the next.

It was reassuring to hear Elder Dushku talk about his testimony and the rays of light that have contributed to it: “I have not seen a pillar of light, but like you I have experienced many divine rays. … They may not be very impressive to some, but they are precious to me.”2

Most testimonies are not built from a huge significant moment; they are most often an accumulation of small and precious personal moments with the Holy Ghost.

This message at conference brought me peace, reaffirmed my own spiritual rays, and taught me essential truths.

Recognizing, Remembering, and Treasuring His Light

“Over the years, I’ve tried to treasure such experiences. I find as I do, I recognize and remember even more of them,”3 Elder Dushku said.

I know the hand of the Lord is in my life daily, but listening to this talk made me wonder if I sometimes fail to recognize and remember these instances of light.

I fear that I’ve let divine moments and miracles pass me by as I go through the motions of my busy life, often fixating on things that seem to be going wrong instead of things that are going right.

And as silly as it may sound, this talk made me ask myself if I’m as fascinated with my spiritual moments of light as I am with the shimmery physical light that gleams from my grandparents’ suncatcher.

“The Light of Christ is literally all around us.”4

If His light is literally all around me, I have absolutely no excuse to be oblivious to it! And even less of an excuse to not be in complete awe of His goodness and mercy. I see these rays as daily reminders from the Lord that He is with me—helping, supporting, and teaching me.

I want to recommit myself to recognizing, remembering, and treasuring each little divine ray of light in my life. When I collect this light, I hope I’ll be filled with wonder and joy as I notice the beauty of these heavenly glimmers dancing around my soul.