Tempio di Cochabamba, Bolivia, Preghiera dedicatoria

Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Cochabamba, Bolivia, 30 aprile 2000

O God, our Eternal Father, Thou great Judge of the nations, we come unto Thee in solemn prayer.

Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving on this historic day when we meet to dedicate this Thy holy house in Bolivia. How thankful we are for it. It is the fulfillment of our dreams, our hopes, our prayers, our faith.

Father, it is beautiful to look upon. Its purposes are profound in their meaning. Here the higher ordinances of the gospel will be administered. Here the fulness of the priesthood will be exercised.

In this sacred edifice, as well as in other temples, will be carried forward a work unequaled in all the earth in behalf of those of Thy children who have lived and passed on to immortality. How wondrous are Thy works. How great Thy plan, O God. It is all possible because of the gift of Thy Son, who gave His life in an atoning sacrifice in behalf of all who have walked or will yet walk the earth.

And now in the authority of the Holy Priesthood in us vested and in the name of Thine Only Begotten Son, we consecrate and dedicate to Thee and to Him this the Cochabamba Bolivia Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints together with its associated structures.

This temple is Thy house, the House of the Lord. It is our gift, dear Father. We present it with love for Thee and for Thy divine Son.

Please accept of it and cause that Thy Holy Spirit may dwell here and be felt by all who come within these walls.

Father, we dedicate the beautiful grounds on which this complex stands. May they ever speak of the wonders of Thy creation. We dedicate the footings, the foundation, the walls and windows, the roof and the figure of Moroni atop the steeple. We dedicate the Baptistry, the halls and offices, the endowment rooms, the celestial room, and the sealing rooms with their sacred altars. May this temple, together with its auxiliary structures, all be combined into a sacred complex built to assist the on-rolling of Thy work in this great nation of Bolivia.

This nation is named for Simon Bolivar, the great liberator of much of South America, who died the year Thy Restored Church was organized. May the incomparable principle of democracy be preserved forever in this republic. Bless the land and its people. May Thy work grow and prosper in this area of Thy vineyard.

We remember before Thee the sons and daughters of Father Lehi. Wilt Thou keep Thine ancient promises in their behalf. Lift from their shoulders the burdens of poverty and cause the shackles of darkness to fall from their eyes. May they rise to the glories of the past. May they recognize their Redeemer and be faithful and true Saints of the Most High. May they seek learning out of the best books (see D&C 88:118). May the enlightenment of education bring new and wonderful opportunities into their lives.

May all who look upon Thy house do so with respect. May it be regarded as a sanctified and holy structure. May it never be defiled by unclean and mischievous hands.

Bless all who use it that they may be worthy before Thee. We pray for the temple presidency and for the matron and her associates. We pray for all who will serve here in any capacity as officers, workers, or patrons that this house may be sacred to each.

Let Thy Holy Spirit touch the hearts of all who govern in the nations of the earth that they may be hospitable to Thy servants, that Thy work may prosper and Thy sons and daughters everywhere have cause to rejoice in their knowledge of the everlasting gospel.

We pray for the faithful tithe payers throughout the world. It is their consecrations which have made this holy temple possible. Bless them as Thou hast promised, and open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them.

Now, gracious Father, unto Thee we ascribe the honor and the praise and the glory, now and forevermore, and to Thy Beloved Son, our Redeemer, we lift our voices in love and gratitude as we pray unto Thee this day of dedication in His Holy Name, even that of Jesus Christ, amen.