Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Feather River, California, 8 ottobre 2023

Our Beloved and Gracious Heavenly Father, we Thy children, gathered here in this sacred place, bow our heads before Thee, in reverence and prayer, to dedicate this holy house unto Thee that has been erected in this beautiful part of the state of California for the fulfillment of Thy holy and eternal purposes.

We express our gratitude for the restored gospel in this dispensation through our dear and honored prophet Joseph Smith and for all the blessings that came from Thee through him, including the restoration of the priesthood that brought temples and its ordinances and covenants back to the earth in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times. We delight in the privilege to live in a time when temples, like this one in Feather River, are filling the earth. We rejoice that Thy Holy House brings the blessings of Thy covenant made with Father Abraham and restores the great crowning sealing of fathers and mothers and connects them to their ancestry and posterity. How grateful we are dear Father for the eternal promises of joy and hope for eternity that temple covenants bring into our life.

We express our deep gratitude for Thy Son Jesus Christ Who offered the gift of repentance and resurrection to all through His atoning sacrifice. We sing praise to Him for his supreme and sublime act of love for all Thy children and for fulfilling the promises of the prophets of old who predicted His coming to the world and His bringing peace on earth and good will towards men. We know that without Him we would suffer spiritual death and would have no hope in the eternities. How grateful we are for Him and His desire to do Thy will and for His love for us, Thy children.

Dear Father, we also express our gratitude for the faith and devotion of those who were pioneers in this area and whose posterity have lived exemplary lives before Thee and influenced others to come unto Christ to enjoy the blessings of Thy gospel. May we always remember their sacrifices and devotion to Thee in this sacred place where we stand today, which sacrifices have helped to establish Thy gospel in this beautiful area.

We are also deeply grateful for all those who, in one way or another, contributed to the construction of this holy house unto Thee, for their willingness to bring about a sacred place that certainly will bless past and future generations of Thy children.

We rejoice in Thy love for all of us and for the inspiration given to Thy prophet Russell M. Nelson to build a holy house unto Thee in this glorious farmland, where people have a sense of community and welcome Thy temple here.

We pray for the members of the church in this area and their future generations that they can rejoice in Thy covenant path and partake of the blessings of their attendance in this temple, as they come for their own ordinances and covenants or for a vicarious work for their ancestry. May these Saints transform this holy house into their place of defense and refuge from the spiritual storms of the world and from wrath when it shall be poured out without mixture upon the whole earth. May they come and find peace in Thee and Thy son, in Thy love expressed through the work that is accomplished here, relief of the burdens of mortal life, and spiritual guidance as they endure in their faith. May they continue to be a light unto this community and that their neighbors can see their good works and glorify Thee and Thy son Jesus Christ.

We also pray for the leaders of the church in this region as they continue guiding Thy children and helping them to hold out faithful to the end and being received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with Thee and Thy son in a state of never-ending happiness.

Now, our beloved Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, and under the keys of our beloved prophet, seer and revelator, Russell Marion Nelson, and by virtue of the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, of which I hold, we dedicate and consecrate unto Thee the Feather River temple. We dedicate it all in its entirely. We dedicate each room and its furniture for their sacred purpose including the baptistry, the instruction rooms, the celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, as well as the other spaces distributed in this temple and auxiliary facilities that are part of this magnificent structure to serve the needs and purposes of this temple. We dedicate the grounds, foundations, floors, walls, beautiful gardens, interior and exterior finishes, and the tower where the angel Moroni is located. We dedicate this temple in Holiness to the Lord, as a house of prayer, fasting, faith, instruction and learning, a house of revelation, of consolation, of peace and righteousness. May Thy abundant blessings found in this house be poured out to all who come here that they may feel the influence of Thy presence and Thy tender and loving mercy.

We supplicate before Thee to protect this building and its surroundings, against any unclean hand or evil influence that could distract from the importance and magnitude of everything that is accomplished in this holy house. We pray for those who will serve here in whatever capacity or responsibility who will provide any type of service in this holy temple, that they may have Thy spirit with them and may be a loving influence on all those who will come to this temple.

We also plead before Thee to bless this great nation and its government so we may keep freedom to worship Thee and live Thy gospel according to our belief and conscience. May faith, love and peace be more abundant in their hearts, may they be influenced for good through Thy holy spirit and the light of Christ that is part of their soul.

As we conclude this dedicatory prayer, we Thy children, express our deep gratitude from the bottom of our soul, for all the marvelous blessings that have showered upon us. We lift our hearts unto Thee in hope that Thou wilt accept our offer unto Thee and our humble, faith-filled prayer on this historic and sacred day. We supplicate unto Thee to accept this temple and the magnificent work that has been done here and that this holy house will become a beacon, not only for the residents of Yuba City but for all those who will pass through and see this sacred place dedicated unto Thee today. For all these blessings we implore before Thee and do so in the sacred name of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, amen.