Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1 agosto 1999

O God our Eternal Father, Thou great Elohim, we come unto Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to dedicate Thy holy house. Acting in the authority of Thine eternal priesthood, and in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate this the Guayaquil Ecuador Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unto Thee and unto Thy divine Son. Wilt Thou accept of it as the offering of Thy sons and daughters who love Thee and who seek to accomplish Thy purposes. Our hearts reach to Thee in gratitude for Thy wonderful blessings upon us. With the completion of this house Thou hast given to the Saints of Ecuador every blessing of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

We thank Thee for the Prophet Joseph unto whom Thou hast revealed Thy will, and upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thine ordinances and Thine authority. We thank Thee for the faith of our forebears who faced trials beyond our comprehension in establishing Thy work in strength.

We are grateful for the principles of the everlasting gospel, for the universality of the resurrection made possible through the atoning sacrifice of Thy Beloved Son, and for the opportunity to move forward on the road that leads to immortality and eternal life through obedience to His commandments.

We thank Thee for the inspiration given Thy servant in selecting this property on which to construct this sacred building. Thy guiding hand was evident in the circumstances when this site was found and determined upon. We thank Thee for all who have worked so diligently to obtain the permits authorizing the construction of this house, and for all who have labored to bring about its completion.

Now we dedicate unto Thee and Thy Son this beautiful temple with all of its facilities and furnishings. We dedicate the grounds with the vegetation growing thereon which add beauty to this structure. We dedicate the temple from the foundation to the figure of Moroni which crowns its steeple. We dedicate the baptistry, the initiatory ordinance facilities, the endowment rooms, the celestial room, the sealing rooms with their altars, and every other part of this sacred house.

Wilt Thou watch over it and by Thy divine power preserve it from the elements of nature and any evil hand that might be inclined to deface it or defile it in any way. We ask that no unclean thing shall enter the portals of this Thy holy house. May it be sanctified to all who come, and may there be no inclination on the part of evil men or women to violate the sanctity of this temple.

We likewise dedicate the ancillary structure with all of its facilities and furnishings. Bless those who will preside here, the temple president and the matron, together with their counselors and assistants, and all those who serve here in administering the ordinances of Thy house. We pray that Thy Saints may gather here to carry forward the work of receiving their own ordinances, and offering these ordinances to those beyond the veil of death that Thine eternal purposes may be accomplished.

We pray for Thy blessings to rest upon this nation of Ecuador. Touch the hearts of those who govern, that the people may be blessed with freedom and opportunity. May peace reign in the land. May crime and evil lessen, and may goodness increase.

Prosper Thy work in this land. May the gospel message touch the hearts of people throughout the nation. May they come into the waters of baptism, and remain faithful and true unto Thee. Bless Thy servants, the missionaries, and preserve them from harm and evil.

Bless Thy faithful Saints throughout the world whose consecrated offerings have made possible this holy house. Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them.

Now, with grateful hearts, we dedicate and consecrate this hallowed structure and its surroundings to the accomplishment of Thy will and the fulfillment of Thine eternal work. We pray that its influence may be felt throughout the land as a light upon a hill. We ask it all in the name of Him whose redemption has blessed the human family and opened the way for Thy sons and daughters to go forward in eternity, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.