Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Lima Los Olivos, Perù, 14 gennaio 2024

O God, the Eternal Father, Thou great Elohim, we call upon Thee this day in humility and with feelings of deep gratitude. We acknowledge Thy constant blessings in our lives. We are grateful for life itself and the opportunity of a mortal experience on this earth which Thou hast created through the instrumentality of Thy Beloved Son. We thank Thee that Thou hast been mindful of Thy children in this nation. We thank Thee that we are a free people and are permitted to worship Thee and keep Thy commandments as Thou hast decreed.

We are grateful for the first House of the Lord, the Lima Peru Temple, built in this city some 38 years ago. Many of Thy people have worshipped Thee, been endowed with Thy power, and been sealed in their families in that temple. There they have offered the ordinances of salvation and exaltation to many of Thy children who dwell in the world of spirits. We pray that the Lima Peru Temple will be protected and blessed to continue to fulfill its mission for many years to come.

We are grateful that Thou, through Thy servants, President Thomas S. Monson and President Russell M. Nelson, hast seen fit to establish other temples in Peru. Two additional temples have already been dedicated, and we pray that Thou wilt remove any obstacles to the timely completion and dedication of all others that have been or may in the future be announced by the First Presidency. We are especially gratified on this day to present to Thee as our offering, this beautiful new temple in Lima.

And so, on this 14th day of January, in the year of our Lord 2024, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and at the direction of the First Presidency, we dedicate to Thee this, the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple. We pray that Thou wilt accept this offering and put Thy name and the name of Thy Son upon this house that it may indeed become The House of the Lord. We pray that the presence of Thy Holy Spirit may be here continually. We pray that the sacred ordinances performed here for the living and the dead may further sanctify the temple.

We dedicate the foundation, the walls and windows, the roof, and all elements of the construction. We dedicate each of the rooms that they may serve their intended purposes. We dedicate the furnishings and fixtures, the mechanical equipment, and all else pertaining to this holy building. We dedicate the temple grounds to the glory of the temple building and as a setting for quiet contemplation and worship.

Holy Father, we plead with Thee to bless and protect this temple. Grant that it may not be marred by earthquakes, storms, or other natural forces. We pray that it may be protected from evil-disposed persons and any form of desecration. May Thy Saints be permitted to worship and freely serve Thee in this temple without distraction or disturbance. May Thy servants “go forth from this house armed with thy power, and that thy name may be upon them, and thy glory be round about them, and thine angels have charge over them.”

We are grateful beyond measure that in our lifetimes the restored gospel of Jesus Christ has taken root in Peru and that more than one hundred stakes of Zion have been established here. On this occasion, we pray that Thou wilt continue to pour out thy Spirit upon the people of this nation that they may even more readily receive the glad tidings of redemption through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for the Book of Mormon, the great instrument of gathering and conversion that Thou hast prepared and preserved for this dispensation. We thank Thee that Thou didst raise up the Prophet Joseph Smith, and by Thy gift and power enable him to translate and publish this uniquely powerful testament of thy Holy Son, Jesus Christ. Grant that our faith in the Savior may grow as we study the Book of Mormon such that we “shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in [Him].”

We petition Thee to bless The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that it may prosper in Peru and continue to gather Thy scattered covenant people into its stakes that they may there find “refuge from the storm, and from wrath when it shall be poured out with mixture upon the whole earth.” Bless the work of redemption of the living and the dead conducted by the Church. Bless the leaders, members, and missionaries of the Church, from the Prophet to the newest convert, that we each may be diligent servants unto Thee, and that as the body of Christ, we may become holier people. “May the kingdom of God go forth that the kingdom of heaven may come, that thou, O God, mayest be glorified in heaven so on earth.”

Holy Father, bless and inspire the leaders of this nation at all levels that they may seek to serve the true needs of the people and be honest and wise. Grant that there may be greater peace, greater harmony, greater love for Thee and for one’s neighbor throughout the country, that Peru may fulfill its destiny in Thy great latter-day work.

Dear Father, we thank Thee for this day and for this temple and for the joy we feel. Most of all, we thank Thee for Thy Beloved and Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ. We thank Thee for His birth, His sinless life, His death to atone for our sins, and for His Resurrection that we might have immortality and eternal life. We raise to Thee this dedicatory prayer of gratitude and supplication in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.