Templo de Lisbon, Portugal, Oración dedicatoria

Oración dedicatoria

Templo de Lisbon, Portugal, 15 de septiembre de 2019

O God, our Eternal Father, Thou great God of the universe, in reverence and love and in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we come unto Thee to dedicate this holy and sacred house, the Lisbon Portugal Temple.

We thank thee, our Holy Father in Heaven, for Thy love for us. “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” We forever remember Thy eternal plan of redemption, and the precious gift of Thy Son, the great Jehovah, the Savior of the World. How grateful we are that He would condescend from His Heavenly place at Thy side and offer to us His infinite Atonement, making it possible for us to be purified and to return to Thee.

We thank Thee, Father, for this choice land of Portugal, for the goodness of thy sons and daughters who live in this beautiful country, and for the freedom that is here, to worship Thee and to construct this holy house in Thy name and the name of Thy Son. We honor those Latter-day Saints, on this side of the veil and those now with Thee, who have embraced and remained faithful to the restored gospel in the forty-five years since President Thomas S. Monson first dedicated this land. We ask a blessing on them for their faith and courage, for their diligence and love of Thee, and for their noble work in establishing the foundation of Thy Kingdom in Portugal.

Now, as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and, as designated by Thy prophet upon the earth, President Russell M. Nelson, I hereby dedicate and consecrate unto Thee and Thy Beloved Son this holy house, the Lisbon Portugal Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that the sacred ordinances of salvation and exaltation may be performed within these walls for the blessing of individuals and families on both sides of the veil.

I dedicate this sacred structure from its footings and foundation to the majestic figure of Moroni that crowns its steeple. I dedicate the sacred baptistry, the initiatory, endowment, sealing, and celestial rooms and every part of this holy house. I dedicate all its facilities, furnishings, auxiliary structures, and the adjacent meetinghouse. I dedicate the beautiful grounds and vegetation that add beauty and peace to the eternal ordinances that will be received here and sealed on earth and in heaven.

Father, we pray that Thou wilt protect this sacred edifice from natural disasters, fire, vandalism, and any evil intent to deface or defile it in any way.

Please, Father, wilt Thou bless Thy worthy Saints who come to worship here, that their faith in Thee and in Thy Beloved Son might grow and flourish. May they receive a spiritual witness of the eternal purpose of their lives and of the ordinances they receive, and may they be faithful to the covenants and promises made before Thee and Thine angels.

We ask Thee to bless this great land of Portugal that it may be a land of freedom and prosperity. Bless this Thy house that it might be a beacon to the elect of Israel, that Thy Kingdom might grow and flourish, and that many of Thy precious sons and daughters living here who are not now part of Thy restored gospel might come to better know Thee and Thy Son, and receive Thy holy ordinances. As Thy servant, I bless my brothers and sisters, my fellow disciples, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have gathered today throughout this country, that they might receive an added measure of the spiritual confidence needed to reach out to those who surround them, that Israel may be gathered in greater numbers, and that Thy Kingdom might be prepared here in Portugal for the return to the earth of Thy Beloved Son.

We ask Thee to bless the temple presidency, the matron and assistants to the matron, the ordinance workers, and the patrons, that Thy house may be a house of power, of revelation, and of peace. Bless them that they might feel the love of Thy Son, the gratitude of those beyond the veil, and the endowment of power needed to resist the temptations of the world and to continue faithful until the end of their mortal lives. Especially, we ask that Thou might strengthen the youth who will enter this house that they may be given the desire and courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness.

On this sacred and solemn day our hearts turn to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son with affection and thanksgiving. We pray that Thou wilt bless Thy Church and Kingdom throughout the earth. May joy and gladness fill the hearts of Thy saints as they move Thy great work forward on the earth. May this day be a day when we rededicate ourselves to Thy work and the advancement of Thy cause. Forgive our sins that we may stand clean before Thee. We pledge our lives to Thee, our Holy Father, and to Thy Son, our Redeemer and Savior, in His sacred name, even Jesus Christ, amen.