Tempio di Oakland, California, USA, Preghiera dedicatoria

Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Oakland, California, USA, 16 giugno 2019

Our Father in Heaven: We come to thee in prayer on this great occasion when, by the power of Thy Holy Priesthood, we will rededicate this Oakland California Temple unto thee and Thy beloved Son, for Thy work and Thy glory.

We thank thee for the plan Thou hast established for the creation of this world for Thy children. We thank thee for Thy Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and for His infinite and eternal Atonement. We thank thee for His resurrection and victory over the grave, by which we have the assurance of immortality. We thank thee that through His suffering and sacrifice we can be forgiven for our repented sins, and receive strength to press forward on the covenant path toward the eternal life Thou has established as the ultimate destiny of Thy children. We thank Thee for the Holy Ghost, Thy Holy Spirit, Who testifies of Thee and Thy Son and Who leads us into truth.

We thank Thee for the restoration of the gospel in these latter days, beginning with Thy appearance with Thine only Begotten Son to the Prophet Joseph Smith whom Thou didst call to bring forth the Book of Mormon as a second witness of Thy Son and of Thy great plan for Thy children. We thank Thee for restoring the authority and keys of the Holy Priesthood by which we proclaim Thy word and perform Thy ordinances of salvation.

We thank Thee for the committed members of Thy Church whose faithful payment of tithes and offerings has made possible the restoration of this Thy holy house for its sacred work in behalf of the living and the dead.

Holy Father, we pray that thou wilt bless the president and matron of this holy temple and of all of Thy temples. Please bless all who exercise the authority of Thy holy priesthood in the ordinances and covenants of this sacred work. Bless all who serve in Thy holy temples to preserve an atmosphere of holiness in every room and every function. And please bless all who come to Thy temples that they may come in worthiness and participate with understanding and reverence and joy in the great teachings and covenants and blessings of Thy house.

We pray for the youth of Zion — the rising generation — that they may take the truths of Thy gospel into their hearts and manifest them in wise choices and in pure efforts in the work of Thy Son. We pray for our missionaries, young and old. We pray that thou wilt give all Thy servants power to prevail over every obstacle and go forward to fulfill Thy purposes for all Thy children. We pray that the way may be opened for Thy servants and Thy work to be established and blessed in every nation and among every people to fulfill the gathering of Israel and the fulfillment of Thy prophecies and promises for Thy people.

We give Thee thanks for Thy prophet, President Russell M. Nelson. Please prolong his life and renew his strength and continue to reveal to him Thy will pertaining to the progress of Thy work through Thy Church and among all Thy children.

In this day of selfishness and wickedness, when men’s hearts fail them in perplexities and turmoil, we pray that Thou will blunt the powers of evil against Thy work and Thy children, and bless Thy covenant people with protection and strength to persist in the works of righteousness.

Now, Beloved Father in Heaven, by the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and by appointment of Thy prophet, Russell M. Nelson, we rededicate unto Thee this Oakland California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and consecrate it again for the sacred purposes for which it has been erected. We dedicate unto Thee every part of this sacred structure from its foundation to its towers. We likewise dedicate all of its ancillary buildings and facilities, and its surroundings, including the landscaping and decorations.

As we do so, we repeat and incorporate these words of the prayer by President David O. McKay at the original dedication of this temple over 50 years ago:

“We pray Thee, Heavenly Father, to accept this building in all its parts, and to guard it from foundation to the towers which stand aloft. Protect it from earthquakes, hurricanes, tempestuous storms, or other devastating holocausts. May the baptismal font, the ordinance rooms, and especially the sealing rooms be kept holy that Thy Spirit may be ever present to comfort and to inspire. Protect all the mechanical parts pertaining to lighting, heating, ventilating system, elevators. Bless the persons who are charged to look after all such installations and fixtures that they may do so faithfully, skillfully, and reverently.”

Now today we pray that Thy Spirit will always be present in these holy spaces in Thy temple and its surrounding structures to enlighten and guide and bless all that are here and all that is said and done here. We pray that Thy glory will rest down upon this Holy Temple, that it may always be acceptable unto thee and precious unto Thy children.

And now, as we dedicate and consecrate this holy house as an abode for Thee and Thy Son and Thy Holy Spirit, we ask that Thou wilt place Thy seal of approval upon this rededication and upon all that has been done and shall be done in holiness in this Thy holy house, which we now rededicate unto thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.