Tempio di Porto Alegre, Brasile, Preghiera dedicatoria

Preghiera dedicatoria

Tempio di Porto Alegre, Brasile, 17 dicembre 2000

Our beloved Father in heaven, Thou great Elohim, we bow before Thee at this sacred hour when we dedicate Thy holy house. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for this wonderful occasion. We thank Thee for this temple constructed in our midst as the House of the Lord to which we may come as Thy guests. Here we will serve Thee. Here we will be privileged to receive those precious ordinances which are timeless in their nature and which seal us to one another as families, including the generations who have gone before us, all according to Thy plan for the salvation and exaltation of Thy children.

We thank Thee and praise Thy holy name for Thy marvelous blessings.

And now, in the authority of Thy divine priesthood, and in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Redeemer, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Him this the Porto Alegre Brazil Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "Wilt Thou accept it as our offering. May Thy Holy Spirit abide in this sacred edifice and give comfort and testimony to all who serve here. May the witness of the Spirit confirm the reality of Thy divine Son to all who labor within these walls, whether as workers or as patrons. May the ordinances revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith, and administered here in Thy house, become an eternal covenant between Thee and Thy faithful children.

May this house ever be holy to those who enter it. May "no unclean thing . . . be permitted to come into thy house to pollute it" (D&C 109:20). May even those not of the faith who pass this way be constrained to look upon this as a place of holiness.

We dedicate the grounds which have been beautified with trees, flowers, and the grass. We dedicate the footings on which it stands, the foundation, the walls, the roof, and the steeple with its crowning figure of Moroni. We dedicate the interior halls and miscellaneous spaces, the Baptistry, the ordinance rooms, the beautiful celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, and every other facility of this hallowed structure. May all work together efficiently and well for the purposes for which they are designed.

Protect this Thy house from the ravages of the elements. May all who enter the portals of this temple be worthy to do so. May a spirit of kindness and love prevail at all times.

Let blessings of strength and vitality rest upon the temple president and his counselors, and upon the matron and her assistants. May a spirit of love be felt among them at all times. May Thy Spirit influence all who work here in any capacity. May they rejoice in the great opportunity that is theirs. Let Thy peaceful influence come upon the patrons that all may rejoice in that which they do. Bless in ever increasing numbers the Saints of this temple district that they may qualify and keep themselves worthy to serve in Thy house.

We invoke Thy blessings on this great nation of Brazil that it may always be hospitable toward the missionaries who are assigned here. May the people reach out with friendly hands and have ears to listen, that Thy work may continue to grow in this part of the earth.

We pray for Thy work wherever it may be established that it may strengthen and grow. We pray that faith may increase in the hearts of Thy people, and that Thou wilt open the windows of heaven and shower blessings upon them.

We pray Thy blessings upon those who have been called to lead Thy kingdom. Inspire them in all that they do. Shield them from those who would injure them. Sustain them in their labors and give them joy in their service.

O Lord God of Israel, accept of our thanks. Accept of our love. Favor us with Thine approving smile. Help us to walk in Thy paths, to be found always as true disciples of Thy Beloved Son, even our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.